Chapter - 18

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Pritika’s POV
I know, I shouldn’t say this but I want to know. I want to know his perspective about it. I have heard many things about billionaire, if all that are true then it will definitely effect our relationship.
PRITIKA : do you mind that I am not a virgin?
Third Person's POV
Hearing this question from Pritika's mouth, Adesh’s face became serious.
Seeing his serious face Pritika couldn’t understand what has effected Adesh, her question or the face that she is not a virgin?
ADESH : Do you mind that I am a virgin?
Pritika was surprised hearing this question. First reason was, she didn’t expect a handsome billionaire like Adesh is still a virgin. Secondly she didn’t expect, without answering Adesh will ask such question in reply.
When Pritika didn’t reply Adesh asked again.
ADESH : Answer me Pritika, does it matter to you that I am a virgin. No let me change the question, would it matter to you if I would have lose my virginity?
Pritika didn’t reply, she was quietly looking at Adesh’s face.
ADESH : The answer is no. So why would it be matter to me? Or do you think so low of me?
PRITIKA : No… no, Adesh… I didn’t mean that.
ADESH : Pritika, I don’t care about that. Don’t think so low of me and don’t you dare you to compare me with that Ex-boyfriend of yours like your neighbours.
PRITIKA : they compared you with him?
ADESH : yes… huuh! He doesn’t even worthy to compare with the nails of my foot. (Said making a disgrace face)
Pritika smiled seeing Adesh’s childish behaviour.
PRITIKA : let’s sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow.
ADESH : hmm.
Pritika was going to lay down on the bed when suddenly Adesh pulled pritika into her embrace startling her. This is the first time Adesh has hugged Pritika. Pritika's heartbeat could be heard in the silent room….by the sudden hug Pritika became little stiff but gradually became normal and reciprocated the hug. When two thin arms of Pritika embrace Adesh , a beautiful smile spread across on Adesh's face. On the winter night they both were enjoying the warmth of their embrace.
Pritika’s POV
I know, it’s normal… every day thousands of people are travelling on this. I can do it. Yes I can do it. It’s just a journey. It’s just a way of transportation, but still I couldn’t able to calm my nerves.
We are now in the private plane of the chauhans. The plane hasn’t started yet. We have just boarded on the plan. I am now sitting on a window seat and Adesh has gone outside of the cabin.
I am nervous… I am very nervous. I have never been on a plane before. I have only seen planes flying in the sky from far away standing on the land . It’s look so small from there but it is actually very big.
O god please don’t let anything happen to our plane… mumma, papa I love you but I don’t want to come to you right now. Let me live my life with my husband. I like him. When yesterday night he hugged me, I found his embrace very peaceful, warm. Like it was making me warm from the cold weather of outside. No no don’t think that I like him so I don’t love you. I love you but you are enjoying each other company in the heaven then let me live here in the earth so that I can also live a life happily with my husband. Please don’t let anything happen. Please keep us safe.
Third person’s POV
Entering into the cabin Adesh saw, Pritika's eyes were closed tightly and she was murmuring something.
Seeing her expression even a little child can understand that she is afraid to be in a plane.
Seeing her expression Adesh was going to console her when suddenly a idea came in his mind and a sly smile make it’s way on his face.
Adesh approached Pritika with a serious face and sat beside her seat.
ADESH : you’re praying to God… right?
PRITIKA : Hmm… yeah.. Wo…I..
ADESH : hmm do some prayers...our plane’s pilot is ill.. Maybe he will do some mistake… and… you know right…
After an announcement the plane started to move.
Sensing the plane had started to move Pritika  got more panicked.
PRITIKA : Adesh, stop this plane I don’t want to go… I don’t want to go. I don’t want to die. Some sounds is happening… no no no o god save me. Adesh please stop the plane.
Pritika sarted to cry like a child. Adesh tried to console her. He tried to make her understood he was joking… nothing will happen but she didn’t listen to anything, she was constantly blabbering nonsenses.
Not finding any way, Adesh kissed her on the lips cupping her face.
Pritika’s body became stiff, it took her some time to realize what was happening. Her eyes became big as saucer realizing Adesh was kissing her. It’s her first kiss with Adesh.
When Pritika was almost out of breathe Adesh stopped kissing.
ADESH : are you still afraid?
PRITIKA : huu?
ADESH : now close your eyes..
PRITIKA : why?
ADESH : Because I am going to kiss you again… and it’s look horrible with you making such big eyes….Now let me enjoy my kissing with my wife and you also enjoy.
Saying this again Adesh captured Pritika’s lips. This time closing her eyes Pritika also responded back.
They reached safely at Maldives. Their long journey didn’t feel long to them as they enjoyed each other company. Adesh didn’t miss any chance to kiss Pritika. They became more close through this journey.

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