Chapter - 53

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Aditi's POV
Adesh is pacing in front of the operation theatre with a very worried expression.
I can understand his feelings. I am feeling so guilty now. Before he went to office he came to me and said “mom, Pritika is little worried today. She had a nightmare yesterday night. I will come back as soon as possible but please till then handle her.” I promised I will take care of Pritika and adviced him to go his office and focus on his without any worry, but what did I do… nothing. I can’t even keep this small promise.
I know that medicine didn’t do anything. Pritika's water broke because of her frightening. Because the amount of milk she has taken it will have no effect. But I am still feeling guilty.
I am guilty for not protecting them properly. I can’t believe Nidhi will do such thing. The moment the maid showed us the packet of empty medicine and said that it was beside milk’s container and she has seen Nidhi to go towards Pritika’s room with a milk glass, for fraction of seconds my brain had stopped working. I couldn’t imagine the outcome of that situation.
Seeing that Pritika had only taken a very small slip I was little relief but the moment I heard Pritika’s cry in pain, I can’t explain How I was feeling.
O god I didn’t  asked much things to you. Please god… please don’t let anything happen to Pritika and my grandchildren.
Everyone else arrived after few minutes of our arrival in the hospital. When Radhika told them what happened they all couldn’t believe… their expression said that all. Nidhi hasn’t come yet. I don’t know what she is doing now? Why didn’t she come at the hospital yet? Didn’t she feel guilty? Didn’t she even regret her deeds? I have never thought my daughter could be so vicious. I ignored her small mistake thinking that she is little, immature. She will change when she getting old little. I think that’s my mistake… a mistake, which price today Pritika and my grandchildren is paying.
Third Person’s POV
Everyone was waiting outside the operation theatre with very worried expression.
They all heard sounds of heels from the corridor. When they all looked towards the source it was Nidhi with a very panicked expression.
Seeing her everyone face became solemn. Nilesh got up from the chair he was sitting and before anyone could understand anything a sound of slap echoed through the corridor.
Everyone saw that Nidhi was looking at her father with teary eyes holding her cheeks, but no one reacted or stopped Nilesh. If it was different scenario maybe Adesh would have the first person who would have reacted. But today he was also indifferent towards this.
Nidhi looked at her brother, Adesh who always saves her from their parents scolding. But seeing today Adesh wasn’t reacting she called him slowly… ‘bhai..’
ADESH : Don’t you dare to call me… you still have the audacity to come here…how Nidhi? How could you do this?... I have already known what you were trying to do to create misunderstanding between me and Pritika. I didn’t said anything to you because I know I will never let any misunderstanding come between us and I also thought you are immature. But I never knew you are so vicious. Before putting those pills into  the milk didn’t your hand tremble a little? Your hatred towards Pritika has increased so much that you tried to kill our babies? How could you Nidhi?
Nidhi was beyond shocked hearing this from her brother. She couldn’t  believe her own ears that her brother was accusing her for such a vicious crime which she will never think in her imagination. Seeing the expression of other family members she understood everyone was also thinking same. She couldn’t believe her family was actually could think this. After learning that abortion pills were mixed in the milk, she went to Natasha's room to confront her… and there Natasha admitted that she had put abortion pills to Pritika’s milk to kill the babies… and she has promised herself she will punish Natasha. She has come here  to inform them that it was Natasha who tried to kill the babies. But here she found out her family actually accusing him for this. Before she could say anything on her defend, the door of OT opened and the doctor came out with a very serious expression.
Adesh and the rest of the family members approached the doctor. Before the Dr. could say anything Adesh started his questions… ‘How is my wife? How are my babies? Are they alright?’. Naresh and Nilesh advised  him to calm down little.
The doctor was Pratima’s friend… she put her hand on Adesh’s shoulder and said with serious face “ Aadesh beta, Pritika is fine. She is now unconscious. And the babies… it’s a boy and girl.”
A smile broke on everyone’s face…but the next second their smile vanished hearing doctor’s next words.
“Adesh, as the babies are premature we have to put them in NICU. The boy’s conditions is little better but the girl’s condition isn’t good. We will try our best but maybe she will not able to survive…be prepared for the worst.... Excuse me please.” Saying this she left from there.
Adesh stumbled backwards hearing this. Everyone was too stunned to react anything.
Adesh sat on the floor and started weeping like a baby and blaming himself.
ADESH : It’s my fault… I shouldn’t have gone to office leaving Pritika. She requested me to not to go but I didn’t listen. I promised her I will protect them but I failed. I broke my promise…I never thought the place I had thought the most safest place for my wife and children, was actually most dangerous place…it’s all my fault. It’s all my fault. I couldn’t able to protect them properly. Before I can even start my fatherhood, I have failed as a father.
NIDHI : bhai…
Nidhi was going to tell Adesh that it wasn’t his fault. Not to blame himself. It was all Natasha’s fault… but before she could speak Adesh marched towards her with fury and slapped her.
ADESH : what are you here waiting for? Waiting for my daughter’s death certificate? Feeling bad that the boy is better? Feeling bad that Pritika is safe?
NIDHI : Bhai… I..
ADESH : SHUT UP! I don’t want to hear a single word from you. I am warning you Nidhi… stay away… stay away from my wife and children… or I will not spare you..
NIDHI : Bhai please… listen..
ADESH : Get out!!! I don’t want to see your face.
Nidhi couldn’t take it anymore… her lovely brother who always protect her from everyone’s scolding, fulfil her every demand… today he actually slapped her in front of everyone and he was even accusing her for the hideous crime… she couldn’t tolerate this anymore… she left from there crying…
Adesh also broken down crying. He couldn’t believe his little sister actually tried to harm his precious little ones. Though she didn’t succeed but because of this Pritika got so much frightened that her water broke and now his daughter is fighting with life and death.

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