Chapter - 29

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Third Person’s POV
“What is this woman! Leave my husband's hand…first she came nowhere and hugged my husband and now she isn’t even leaving his hand …and look at my husband… huh he is talking with her so happily. Have you forgotten I am still standing here??? Of course seeing such a beautiful woman he has forgotten that he is already married!! I really want to beat this man” – Pritika was screaming all this in his mind.
Pritika’s thought broke when Tanvi came near her and whispered…
TANVI : It will not work just being jealous. You have to protect your husband from her. Natasa is very dangerous.
“ohh so her name is Natasha. Wait…wasn’t Nidhi  said the same name? Maybe it’s her, Nidhi was talking yesterday at dinner time. If Nidhi likes her, then of course how can she be a good person.” – Pritika thought.
PRITIKA : I am not jealous.
TANVI : yeah yeah we know that.
RAHUL : Yes… pritika, you really have to be very careful. Natasa likes Adesh bhai and Adesh bhai used to find her very attractive. Look how he is talking with her so smilingly. Have you ever seen Bhai so happily talked with anyone other than family members and close friends? No… right. She is not even our close friends.
Hearing Rahul's statement Tanvi looked at Rahul with big eyes and Rahul just winked at her before Pritika could notice it.
“ohh so he finds her attractive. That’s why he is talking with him so smilingly. But why Rahul bhai is saying she is not friend… I remember Mom (Aditi) had said she (Natasa) is her friend's daughter. Will she is talking about someone else? Yeah maybe because Rahul bhai will not lie to me.” -pritika was thinking.
When Adesh looked back, Rahul gave a sly to Adesh which confused Adesh.
ADESH : Pritika, you stay here with Tanvi for some minute… I am coming.. Rahul you come with me… Mr. Chaturvedi is leaving, we have to talk with him before he left.
Adesh and Rahul went leaving Pritika and Tanvi with Natasha.
“Wow! He completely forgot his promise. ‘Pritika, I will not leave you for a second at the party.’ (said mimicking Adesh's tone in his mind) huuh! Liar! After seeing this woman (Natasha) he has forgotten everything. Huuh smiling at her… I wished to break his teeth.”- said all this in her mind.
Natasha looked Pritika from head to toe and gave her a nasty look.
TANVI : Don’t give that look, Natasa.
NATASHA : What look Tanvi di? (Asked acting very innocent)
TANVI : ohh please! Here no elder is present not even Adesh bhai… so you don’t have to pretend.
NATASHA : I really don’t understand what you are talking about?
NIDHI : Hey… Natasha di… I was looking for you.
Nidhi came near them and noticed Pritika. She also looked at Pritika from head to toe.
NIDHI : why are you wearing a saree? I had seen Chachi has customized a dress for you. Why didn’t you wear that?
There was no politeness in Nidhi's tone.
PRITIKA : I… I wasn’t comfortable wearing that.
NIDHI : Of course how will you be comfortable… you aren’t used to wearing those kind of expensive dresses. Natasa di let’s go… don’t waste your time on unimportant people… Tanvi di You also come with us.
TANVI : No thank you… Actually I also don’t like to spend my time with unimportant person.
Nidi was going to say something but Natasa dragged her away.
TANVI : Pri, don’t take Nidhi's words seriously. She is mental. I really don’t understand how could Nilesh uncle and Aditi aunty's daughter be like this.
Pritika laughed hearing Tanvi's words. Adesh and Rahul also came back at the same time. Seeing them laughing, they asked the reason.
“Nothing” both of them said at the same time.
Adesh and Rahul didn’t ask anymore seeing that their woman don’t want to share.
They entered into the main hall and after meeting with the host, they started to talked with the other guests.
Rahul and Tanvi went to meet with their friends and Adesh went with Pritika to meet with his friends.
Adesh very happily introduced Pritika to his friends. Pritika very politely with a smile on her face talked with them. But Adesh noticed one thing … whenever Adesh tried to hold Pritika’s hand, she very tactically avoid it. Adesh was confused by her behaviour.
“What happened to her? Why isn’t  she letting me hold her hand? Fine….I am also Adesh Chauhan, you want to avoid my hand…then let’s see how will avoid now” –said all these in his mind.
He then held Pritika’s waist tightly. As Pritika was wearing a saree, so Adesh's hand was touching Pritika's waist which was giving goosebumps to Pritika. Pritika couldn’t take off his hand, if she do then everyone will clearly see it and that will be bad. So Pritika didn’t do anything.
But Adesh was making it very difficult for Pritika. In every minute he was tickling Pritika on her waist very smoothly which was giving Pritika a tickling sensation on her whole body. Pritika was nudging Adesh with her elbow, as if warning him to stop but Adesh was Adesh… he even increased his sweet tortured.
Pritika was even warning him, giving him big eyes but in return Adesh was only looking at her with a smug smile on his face, as if he was saying ‘you wanted to avoid my hand… now tolerate.’
Suddenly Pritika also gave Adesh a smug smile. Adesh was confused, he was thinking ‘What is she going to do?’.
Next moment hearing Pritika’s words he understood… yes she won. Pritika very politely excuse herself from all of Adrsh's friends and went towards the washroom. Before went to the washroom, she even pinched Adesh’s hand.
When Pritika was coming out of the washroom… her steps paused hearing the words from a group of girls discussing at the corridor.

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