With The World.

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Daddy has us moving into our second home. Which is on to the water but further down the road by like maybe seventy minutes. We arrive at the house and it is even bigger than I remembered from when I was younger. Which isn't much to be honest. Just the small bits I remembered from my childhood.

Dad said my old childhood room is set up exactly how it was at the bullet riddled one. He said I would still have a piece of mom left because she had been the one whom designed my room. The whole house was designed by her actually. No one had changed their rooms. She only left them. Us. A few years ago. They never came back to this place because it reminded them of her.

I feel horrible that my brothers and dad have to come back to this place.

This home.

That's filled with more memories of mom than the one we were living in.

Our 'vacation' home we are heading to is actually our real home. That bullet fest house is really our vacation home.

Our second home.

We only stayed in that house when I was younger for every school breaks we had. That's why that house was so familiar to me when I first visited. I was taken on one of our many school breaks when we stayed at that house. Galileo moved into Luciano's house until Luke and Alex get older. Luciano left his house, his money, all his belongings to his boys. Dad has taken custody of them because Uncle Lileo didn't know how to raise children.

Dad did.

He has twelve of us. So, dad decided to take on two more. Making the total to fourteen children. We all are now in our respected cars exactly two days after Uncle Lu's death. Looking up at last place my brothers want to be. But, I can see where dad's coming from.

How can he stay in that house we're leaving behind?

That riddled house that's stained with blood.

With his brother's blood.

I don't blame him.

But, I can also see where my brothers are coming from. They don't want to be in the home that is where mother was always at most of our childhood before I was taken. The place where mother ended her life after I was taken. Where her ghost probably haunts those very walls.

Why can't dad just buy a whole new home. Where no one has to suffer. Dad doesn't have to worry about seeing his brother's blood that's no longer there, staining the floors. My brothers don't have to worry about be traumatized by coming to this house where mom died years ago. Why not buy a new house in general?

We all watch as my uncle spirals down hill.


How our father crumbles like a cake falling off its top tier, onto the floor.

Soon after I start watch as all my brothers slowly change.

Their change was not for the better.

It is far much worse.

I watch as Renzo started to slowly go back to being stone faced. Never cracking a smile. Never laughing. He threw himself into work and if you wasn't part of his command chain, you rarely saw him.

Matteo started to go back to his old ways when I first got here. Where he always was working and did little communication. He would say 'hey' than run out the door or to his office. Like he distanced himself away from everyone. Everyone that truly cares for him. Like he's afraid to getting crushed again. And again.

I watched as Valentino slowly started to not speak again. He went back into his shell. He growls, snarls, and grunts. That's the reaction you get from him. I swear I could imitate his sounds. I haven't heard his voice in so long, I think I forgot what it sounds like. He doesn't do his chuckles. Nothing. Face looked like he had Botox while he was in a rest bitch face phase. I miss the talkative Valley. I don't like this version of himself. I miss his voice and his laughs. Or when we would have family night, how he always pulled me beside him. We would share our favorite snacks and laugh at everyone's pouty faces.

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