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Hello Lovely Readers!

I would say I update every Thursdays but since this book is coming to an end. I only have one chapter left. 🥹

The last chapter will be probably the longest chapter that will be written in this book. I don't know how many words exactly but it'll be the longest by far.

No fret though, this isn't the end of the Rossi clan by fart. There will be a second book to this series. I've already have been working on it for at least a month now. Doing my outlines, plots, twists, etc. The first few chapters won't be up until January. After the holidays. But until than I have other books you might like. 🤷‍♀️

Thank you again for giving Vanished Into Thin Air a chance.

Have a awesome day or night where ever you may be from.

Xoxo_C ❤️

Vanished Into Thin Air (Rossi Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now