Proud Of Who

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A few weeks has passed since we have gotten all the dogs. Surprisingly, they are well trained. They all the basic commands in German, English, Italian, and French. They have been trained to attack and know what sick 'em means. Currently Lucian has been getting on my nerves all damn day. It started with him taking off with my breakfast. He stole my bacon that I was about to place in my big fat mouth. Before I could chomp down on my crunchy bacon, Cian comes up behind me and snatches my bacon.




At lunch time he stole my bag of crisps. I didn't get a single one from the bag. He also stole my bottle of water along with my crisps. He had his own so why take mine? It hasn't made any sense to me. He has been walking by me and ruffles my hair. He has taken my phone at least thirty times and has placed it on something way above my reaching abilities.

Remind you, I have been up since nine this morning and it is going on two in the afternoon.

Again, he is on my last damn nerve. Currently my phone is in the cabinet above our refrigerator.

"Valley?" I yell as loud as I possibly can.

He peeks up from his laptop at the bar area of our kitchen. He looks at me with concern like I have hurt myself again. Like the last time Cian put my phone up too high, I fell off the stool and landed hard on my back.

"Yes Principessa?" He asks with a worried look.

"Can you please get my phone from the cabinet. I am vertically challenged, and Cian is the asswipe who put it up there." I explain to my big scary brother while I give him my best puppy dog eyes.

He lets out a soft chuckle and walks over to the said cabinet. He picks my phone up with ease and it causes me to be envious of his height. Valley who is now in a full hysteric laughter as he hands me my phone. His reaction causes me to look at him with confusion.

What was in his coffee today?

Or his monster?

Hell even his lunch?

"Thanks Valley." I say to my brother with confusion laced in my words.

I head towards the bar where Valley is and take a seat. I tap my screen and immediately I want to kill my brother. There on my lock screen is a picture of his hairy butt cheeks. I know it is his butt because it has the damn freckle right on his left but cheek. I only know he has a freckle there because one it isn't tiny and for two with how many times he has mooned me in my lifetime. I know it is his. I swear I am seeing red. I glance at Valley and can see his reaction. His brow is raised with an amusement playing on his face. I unlock my screen so I can change my lock screen back when I have now blown a damn gasket in my head.

You have got to be shitting me right now.

My home screen has Cian, Gi, Maxi Pad, and Lonzo; all four mooning the camera. The picture cuts off at their shoulders. I know it is these four because Cian of course has that freckle. I can see Maxi Pad's long hair coming down onto his shoulders. Gianni because he is slightly darker than those three, and Alonzo because of his tattoo on his bloody shoulder. If you are trying to be anonymous about it keep a bloody shirt on. Especially if you have distinctive tattoos that will give you away. Now it can only be four other people who could have taken this picture out of all my remaining brothers. Alex and Luke are two of the four. Niko and Juls are the last two. I zone out my brothers mooning the camera and look carefully at the picture's surroundings. For starters, it is in the gym. Yuck! He threw my phone earlier in the hamper with sweaty clothes in it. The picture had to taken before he threw it in the hamper. But I would have known he changed my stuff the moment I got my phone back. Unless he changed it before he placed it in the cabinet above the damned fridge.

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