Chapter 2 || Some Swords Should Be Used as Paperweights

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Five days later, I found myself back in the underground passage leading to the secret cell.

After I had finished the investigation, I'd agonized whether to come back or not. In the end, curiosity got the better of me.

My careful sabotage would have been for naught if I'd back out now. My instinct was telling me that there was something more behind all this. Why else would a member of the council conduct secret operations inside a creepy castle?

The first notable change was the overall increase in security. For once the walls had been brightly lit and more guards than usual were roaming the facility.

They didn't, however, seem to expect any intruders since I easily knocked out the careless guard stationed at the entrance of the corridor leading to the secret cell. I hid his body around the corner, pressed the hidden set runes and quickly stepped through the opening.

To my surprise, they'd added several sets of runes, bathing the room in a faint light.

No bars had been installed, but then again, they'd be unnecessary. The runic pattern and chains were basically foolproof. Everything else looked pretty much the same, except for one major detail. There was a man chained up in the center of the room.

He was kneeling, his head and torso bent slightly forward. Both of his wrists were shackled above his head. Two more chain running to an opposite wall were attached to his ankles. A loose robe covered his broad shoulders and chest. Its sleeves had fallen backwards to reveal his muscular arms.

Unsure how to proceed, I hesitated at the entrance as the door closed behind me, but he neither acknowledged my presence nor did he show any reaction. This was not what I'd expected to find here, but maybe it wasn't so surprising considering the way the chains were laid out.

The prisoner's face was hidden beneath a big hood, so I carefully stepped closer to try and get a better look. The sharp line of his jaw was barely visible before he jerked his head up and I was met with piercing dark eyes.

It can't be.

The movement caused his hood to fall back revealing short black hair that was a bit longer on top. His voice was deep when he spoke.

"Well, this is unexpected."

Yep. Definitely him.

Completely caught off guard, I remained silent while I debated my next action. I'd expected a dangerous object or maybe another one of those creatures, but not an actual person, and especially not him.

He seemed calm for someone chained up in an underground chamber. In the dim light, his dark eyes looked black. Even without standing, I knew that he was at least a head taller than me.

To buy some time, I went to examine the runes I had previously manipulated. Then I checked the room for any additional measurements they might have taken. But the only thing I found was a set of light runes, and to my bafflement, a sword leaning against the wall.

Why would they put a sword right next to the prisoner?

Maybe they placed it there to taunt him? Was this a new method of torture?

The blade was made of a black material. Seven runes were inscribed on it, a lot for an object. This better fit the dangerous item I had expected to find, but strangely enough, no chains or runes were securing it in place. In fact, it was easily overlooked since it was set into a hidden niche right in the corner closest to the door.

I turned back to the prisoner who was silently tracking my every move. After staring at each other for a few seconds, I finally made up my mind.

Pushing back my hood I said, "I didn't expect that all this effort was done to put you into this cell, Tyler."

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