Chapter 13 || Teaching Tyler A Lesson

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. This would have alarmed me if not for the distinct scent that I had gotten so used to in the last few weeks.

This had to be Ty's place.

Pushing myself up, I looked around the sparsely decorated bedroom. The little furniture set up was all in a dark mahogany color. Getting to my feet, a wave of dizziness hit me and I had to lean on the wall until my vision was normal again.

I took a quick inventory. My head was pounding slightly, and a small bandage wrapped around my head confirmed a bump on the back of my skull. Everything else seemed to be in order. That was when I finally noticed the shirt I was wearing. It was huge, nearly reaching down to my knees. What had happened to my clothes?

It didn't take me long to find them, or rather what was left of them. They were stacked up on a chair, and to my dismay, the pants and shirt were ripped and covered in burn holes.

Well, at least my underwear is still intact.

Trying to get the picture of Ty checking my wounds and switching my shirt out of my head, I quickly made my way to the door and pushed it open. The dimly light hallway was filled with a delicious smell coming from the other end, so I followed my nose, which ultimately led me to a big kitchen.


He stood in front of the stove when I walked in. The embarrassment I had felt earlier quickly vanished when I noticed that he was wearing an apron. An apron. I tried my best not to giggle at this unexpected sight of him. My stomach growled when I saw the dishes that he'd prepared.

An odd look crossed his face when he caught sight of me, but it vanished so fast I wondered if I'd imagined it in the first place.

After giving me a quick once over, he pointed to a chair at the table next to the kitchen aisle. "Sit. And it's Ty."

"What?" I asked confused, but, for once, I followed his order without protest. He filled up two bowls before sitting down next to me.

"Ty," he repeated, a smirk spreading over his face. "You're calling me that now, right?"

Was I? I racked my brain. I must have called him Ty subconsciously.

"Because we were in a hurry," I said quickly.

"So?" He leaned forward. "That just means you like me, right?"

I gaped at him. How did he jump to that conclusion?

"Stop spouting nonsense," I grumbled and reached for my bowl, but he quickly grabbed it before I could. He raised an eyebrow, waiting. He couldn't be serious, right?

"Whatever," I grumbled. "Fine, Ty." I couldn't believe I had to swallow my pride for food.

He grinned, looking satisfied. I shot him an annoyed look. He was such a weirdo sometimes. Why was he so happy about a name?

Once he handed me the bowl, we ate in comfortable silence. I must have been more hungry than I'd realized because the food was gone in seconds.

Leaning back, I nudged Ty with my foot. "So, what did I miss?"

"Your brother showed up."

I froze, my eyes widening in shock. I quickly scanned the living area, expecting Kieran to pop up from behind the couch cushions, his spear ready, grey eyes flashing in anger. Even after a few seconds still, no sign of my overprotective brother could be found.

Ty's eyes twinkled with amusement at the sight of my panic before he quickly filled me in. "At the auditorium. He showed up right at the end. When I realized it was him, the teleportation circle was already activated."

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