Chapter 10 || The Crimson Casino

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"I don't see how that would be any of your business though," I said, keeping my voice light.

The blonde's face tightened in anger. "I suppose I've seen my share of pathetic women clinging to him, but then again, there always seem to be those who don't know their place." She put a lot of emphasis on her last words as she leaned forward provocatively.

"Hm...That definitely seems to be the case." I nodded at her with a pointed look.

Seeing how I wouldn't back down so easily, she waved her hand and two burly men appeared on either side of her. They stood with their arms crossed, radiating what was probably supposed to be a threatening aura. I had to hand it to Tyler, he was way better at the intimidating stare, so, I simply laughed right in their faces.

Around twenty minutes after he left, I noticed a guard giving the blonde in front of me a quick sign. She smirked at me as she stood up from the table, her hands motioned to the two men next to her. "As pleasant as this was, I think it's time to wrap it up. You will have to come with me."

So, that's how you want to play it?

"I don't think so. Ty isn't back yet." I didn't move an inch. Instead, I looked down, inspecting my fingernails.

"It wasn't a question. Besides, Tyler is otherwise engaged. That means you have to come with me." She put her hands on the table and leaned down. "As long as I ask nicely."

I leaned back, relaxed, and flashed her the most cheerful business smile I could manage, teeth and all. "Let me make it more clear for you then since the human language seems to be something your little brain has a hard time understanding. Fuck. off."

Satisfied, I watched as her face turned red, perfectly matching the theme of this place. The nasty expression turned her face surprisingly ugly. She motioned to the men next to her, and they stepped forward.

One second their hands were reaching for me, the next a burst of wind flipped the table right in their face. The bigger one pushed the blonde woman backward, shielding her.

"Get off me," she screeched before she scrambled around the two meat shields. Her gaze burned into me, and she snarled, "You can struggle all you want, they already know you are here. Come with me or the bounty hunters can have you."

So, she knew about the wanted posters. And betrayed us.

Shocker, I know.

Or maybe she just wanted to betray me since Tyler was still nowhere in sight.

As if on cue, the doors burst open and a group of grim, unfriendly-looking people surged inside.

The blonde's eyes widened slightly, and she cursed. She had probably planned to hand me over herself. She quickly ordered the two meat shields to hold them off. Then she raised her hand, flames dancing across the tips of her fingers. "Last chance, bitch. I can bake you crisp, or we can hand you over safe and pretty." Her lips stretched into an evil smile as she waited for my answer.

Well, somebody is confident in their ability.

Instead of bothering with a verbal reply, I raised my hand and flipped her off. In the next second, a wall of flames surged towards me, but I was already moving. The flames exploded on the seat I had just occupied, leaving behind a pile of smoldering ashes.

Okay, so maybe she was a bit stronger than I'd given her credit for. Not that it mattered. I responded in kind by letting a powerful blast of wind fling two chairs towards her. She dodged one and flung a ball of flames at the other. Only its ashes remained as they scattered all around her, but it didn't matter. I could keep her occupied for a bit. Until Tyler was back.

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