chapter 13

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Alpha's POV

When I got to school I saw Zoya trying sense while.fight the girl from last time. Clara if I'm.not mistaken. I saw how Dillan stopped her from killing her and how he was able to calm her down faster than we all could.

Clara had a gun pointing straight at Dillan who was hugging Zoya.  I immediately  shot the girl and kicked her gun away from her but the twins noticed it and I gave them a don't you dare'  look. Then nodded and muttered a thank you.
"Mercy , sorry and please are the 3 main words that a Mafia should  never portray. I'm sure you know that Dillan" I said looking at him as he just stared at me. 

I took my phone out and called some guys to.come and  clear the mess.

"Zoya" I said walking up to her."Tell me you're not hurt" I said. She nodded but I just checked for some injuries and I found I bruise. "She did that to you" I asked pointing at her forehead. "Nop this is from earlier. Some books fell of the shelf in my baseroom and I ended up with this" she said.  I nodded and kissed her forehead. "Dillan  I'll be meeting you again at 7 and this time we'll  probably have a good conversation. Zoya in the car now" I  said. Zoya just looked at me like I've been reprogrammed but yes I was and I was feeling quite good about it.

As we were driving home Zoya was looking out of the window. "I won't tell them about you getting into a fight nor will I tell them about you dating a  Zelda"  I told her but still she didn't face me. "I won't tell them that those guys know about your condition" I said also still she didn't look at me. "You don't care at all , do you " I said. "I guess right now I'm not in the zone to" she said.

"Archie got shot  earlier today" and that was all it took for her to have tears in her eyes asking me to finish with something positive. "He's okay. Three bullets on his shoulder nothing harmed. He just lost alot of blood and he's sedated right now."  I told her but that wasn't calming her down anytime soon. I pulled over and made her sit on my lap.

"Shhhhh.. he's alright Zoya I promise he is. I made sure he's okay myself that's why I got late." I said while  gently  rubbing her back.

After a while she finally calmed down and we went home only to.find Archie playing fetch with one of the security dogs. They're actually  his dogs all of them but he mainly trains them for security purposes.

Zoya got out of the car and rushed to him. "I guess I'll be bringing your bag up to.your room then."

Archie's POV

After I got out of that dreaded hospital ward I went to my room took a shower then dressed my bandages again. I went to my laptop tried to find anything about Marco's son but there was absolutely  nothing.

You didn't need to tell me.twice that who i  saw was definitely  Marco's son. He looked like a complete replica of him. "Where the hell are you" I said.

After more minutes of trying to find even a rumor  or a court hearing  that linked to Marco's son I didn't even get one. I could've asked the twins to look him up but that meant the whole family would have to

I will eventually tell them but just not now.

I was now outside playing catch with one of the security dogs when I felt someone giving me a bone crushing hug.  I turned around and hugged my baby sis properly. "I love you" I said kissing the top of her head. "I love you more " she whispered back tightening  her hug. "I'm not going anywhere" I said chuckling. "You almost did " she said at that moment my heart dropped to the pit of  my stomach. I hugged her just as tight and kissed her head again.

"I know Princess  but I'm here now. I'm here for you and everyone." I said. She just nodded and stayed in my arms a bit longer. After she pulled away I wipped the tears of your face.

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