Chapter 2: The Princess

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I woke up to the banging of metal cups just like every other morning. The prisoners were hungry and they wanted the guards to know that. They hoped that if they annoyed them enough, they'd get food. All that actually happened was getting a limb cut off. I learned long ago that begging and annoyance don't work on the guards; submission does. So while every other prisoner banged and rattled, I sat silently and soon enough, my breakfast was delivered.

I scarfed down the hunk of bread I was given and chugged the glass of water. After a while, the prisoners gave up their banging and were eventually given something to eat. Well, some of them were anyway.

I was one of the few lucky prisoners that got to eat every single day. Some would go days or weeks without anything to eat or drink. I felt bad and pushing it out of my mind was usually the best thing for me.

I try my best to be happy down here. I may live in a cell instead of up in my old bed chambers, but I get a blanket and some books. I get extra bathroom privileges too when I do what the guards want.

Silver linings. I live off of them.

Creaking metal brought me out of my thoughts as my cell was opened. My stomach churned when the guard came in, but he simply grabbed my arm and pulled me up from the floor.

"His Majesty requests your presence," he stated simply and pulled me along behind him.

This was the first time I was leaving the dungeons in years. The King almost never wanted to see me. He preferred to pretend like I didn't exist.

I was nervous to see what he wanted, but I couldn't stop the excitement coursing through me. I was walking through the halls of the castle! This is only the second time in my life I've done that. Usually if the King needs to speak to me he comes to me. His news must be important.

The guard who's name I did not know stopped in front of a set of doors. They opened and I was led into the room where the King sat upon his throne.

"Finally," he grumbled and sat up a little straighter.

With a swish of his hand he dismissed all of the guards from the room leaving just the two of us.

"Father," I greeted and dropped into a low curtsy.

Even after years in a dungeon, I still knew my court etiquette.

"How may I be of service."

"Prince Beckham of Vaella is coming to visit. You will meet him and if he likes you, he will marry you. Don't mess it up."

What? How does he even know about me?

"You will convince the Prince to marry you, disguised as my niece of course. Once you are the Queen, I will have power over two kingdoms."

Father looked proud of his plan, but I was mortified. Did he really plan on manipulating people like that? Who was I kidding? Of course he was. This is Father we are talking about. He will do anything for power.

"The Prince is coming in three days. If the truth slips, you are dead. Do you understand?"

"Yes Father."

I was to convince Prince Beckham to marry me and never tell him about my past. Seems easy enough.

And if I get him to marry me, maybe I'll be able to see the outside world. The thought excited me more than anything. I hadn't been outside the palace my whole life; everything I knew about it was from my books or stories prisoners and guards shared.

For years I'd been longing to see the outside world and this is my chance to do it. I can't mess it up.

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