Chapter 14: The Market

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Beck surprised me this morning by joining me for breakfast. I caught Lina and Anna spying, well Lina spying and Anna stressing about being caught, but I didn't mind. I was too happy.

"I want to take you somewhere today," Beck told me.

"Where?" I asked excitedly.

"Now that," Beck leaned in, "is a surprise."

Beck flicked my nose and I pouted, trying and failing to keep a smile off my face.

"I'll be back in an hour."

Beck gave me a kiss on the cheek and left me to wonder where we are going.

Lina and Anna ran out of their hiding spot to help me get ready.

"Where do you think he's taking me?" I asked.

Lina squeezed her eyes shut and Anna glared at her.

"You know? Tell me! Tell me!"

"Don't you dare," Anna scolded.

Lina was really struggling and Anna pushed her out of the room so she wouldn't spoil the surprise.

"You really won't tell me?" I pouted.

"Sorry Talia, orders from up top."

I sighed. I really wanted to know where Beck is taking me, but I didn't want to get my friends in trouble.

Anna dressed me in a turquoise tunic with gold embroidery and a pair of leggings matched with a simple pair of boots. This wasn't my usual castle attire and it upped my curiosity.

The hour went by agonizingly slow and all I could think about was where me and Beck were going. I have to know!

At least he told Anna though so I am dressed properly.

I jumped out of my chair at the knock and ran to open it. There stood Beckham holding a bouquet of wildflowers. He handed them to me and I blushed.

I handed them to Anna to put in some water and left with Beck. He held my hand as we walked through the castle halls.

"Now will you tell me where we are going?" I asked, swinging our joined hands.

"Nope," Beck said, popping the p.

I scowled and Beck chuckled.

Soon enough we were at the royal stables. I squealed and ran to the nearest horse. He was brown with a black mane and tail.

"Can I pet him?" I asked.

"Sure," Beckham said.

He took my hand and guided it to the horse's face. I gently stroked his muzzle.

"This is amazing," I said.

"And it's not even our final destination."

Wow. I wonder where we are going next.

Beck led me to the stables where a tall gray horse stood saddled.

"Is someone riding him?" I asked.

"We are."

I looked at Beck and my jaw dropped. "Really?" I'd never ridden a horse.

Beck nodded and I grinned at him.


I nodded and Beck lifted me up onto the horse before climbing up behind me. He took the reins in one hand and wrapped his free arm around my waist.  With a nudge, the horse started walking. And then increased his speed into what's called a trot.

I held onto Beck's arm as we rode and couldn't keep the smile off of my face. What an amazing day.

All too soon though, the horse stopped. Beck hopped down and pulled me down too. I took a look around and saw stalls with vendors all around.

"Where is this?" I asked.

"The market."

Beck handed his horse off to someone and took my hand. He walked me through the market going from stall to stall. People would stop and say hi and Beck was more than happy to converse with them. It made me smile. He truly loved his people.

While we were walking, something caught my eye. I started walking towards it and Beck followed. It was jewelry for animals!

"Look Beck!" I exclaimed, pointing to a bejeweled collar. "Charlie would look so cute in that."

"He would. We'll take it."

The vendor placed the collar in the bag with a leash to match and handed the bag to Beck. Although when Beck tried to pay, the man refused.

"There is no need Your Highness. It's a gift."

"Then this is a donation," he replied and forced the vendor to take the money. I thought it was sweet.

Beck and I walked around through the market and Beck kept on buying me things.

"You really don't have to buy me all this," I told him. "You shouldn't waste your money on me."

"If it makes you happy it isn't a waste," he said, making me blush.

We kept walking through the market talking to Beck's citizens all day.

"Have you ever had ice cream before?" He asked and I looked at him confused.


Beck smiled and pulled me to a little shop. They had ice boxes with some sort of dessert inside.

"We will take two cups please," Beck said.

The man handed us each a cup and a spoon and once again tried to refuse Beck's money. He failed just like everyone else.

Beck walked me outside and we sat down on a bench to eat. I brought the spoon to my mouth and tasted the sweet treat. My eyes widened when it touched my tongue.

"I'll take it you like the ice cream?" Beck asked and I nodded vigorously.

It was so good. Almost as good as strawberries!

I ate every bite of the ice cream and when we were done, Beck announced that we had to return to the palace. I was sad, but Beck promised me that we could go back soon.

I once again sat in front of Beck on the horse as we trotted back to the castle.

"Wanna go faster?" He asked.

I nodded and the horse took off. I screamed, but it was in excitement. I felt like I was flying.

"This is amazing!" I shouted and heard Beck chuckle behind me.

He slowed the horse down as we neared the palace and helped me down. I gave the horse a pet and snuck him a carrot before leaving.

Beck walked me back to my chambers.

"I had such a good time today," I told him.

"Me too."

Beck leaned in and pressed a light kiss to my lips. I felt that it was too short, but didn't argue. I was happy with anything I got.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Beck said and disappeared down the hall.

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