Chapter 15: The Ring

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"You seem abnormally happy today," Tyler observed.

He had invited me to his chambers to have a drink tonight. We try to do it once a week if possible, but we hadn't been able to in the last few.

"What's wrong with happy?" I asked.


Tyler had a knowing look on his face which made me roll my eyes.

"Just spit out what you want to say and get it over with."

"Does this have anything to do with a certain Lady visiting the castle?" He asked.

"Why can't a man just be happy? Why do I have to have a reason?"

"You don't, but I know you better than anyone."

It's true. Me and Ty have been best friends since diapers. We were born only a few weeks apart from each other and since our moms are such good friends, we became friends. I trust Ty more than anyone and I know he has my back.

"Fine," I admitted knowing he wouldn't back down. "It might have something to do with Talia."

It had everything to do with Talia. She's like a ray of sunshine that brightened up my whole life and I've never been happier.

I told Ty all about the past few days with Talia. Her training, her favorite things, how she calls me Beck (which I love).

"Why does she get to call you Beck?" Ty asked. He tried it years ago and I told him I'd pummel him into oblivion if he ever did it again.

"Because I l-"

I froze for a moment before getting up.

"I have to go."

Tyler was smiling as I strode out the door.

My parents lived in a house near the castle and that's exactly where I went. I knocked and tapped my foot impatiently while I was waiting.

The door finally opened to my father.

"Where's Mother?" I asked, brushing by him into the house.

"In our room. Why?"

I didn't answer and instead rushed up to Mother and Father's room.

"Hello my boy," Mother greeted me with a hug. "What can I do for you?"

"I need something of yours."

I ended training with Talia a few minutes early the next day. She wanted to keep going, but I was impatient and couldn't wait any longer.

"Just five more minutes?" Talia whined.

We had started swordplay yesterday and Talia loved it. She was a natural too. After only two days she had bested some of our greatest soldiers and I wasn't sure if that should make me proud of her, scared of her, or worried about our army's strength. I'd have to talk to Ty about that later.

"No," I told Talia. "This can't wait."

I led Talia over to the tree from her first day of training, where we shared our first kiss. I had Tyler set up candles and some rose petals while Talia and I were training so it would be more romantic.

"What is all this?" Talia asked.

I turned and faced her, taking both of her hands in my own.

"Talia, I know we've only known each other for a few weeks, but it feels like an eternity to me. You have changed my life in the best way possible and I can't imagine ever living without you. I love you Talia. So, so, much."

I got down on one knee and pulled my mother's ring out of my pocket.

"Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Talia had tears in her eyes as she nodded. I stood up and scooped her into my arms.

After sliding the ring onto her finger, I kissed Talia with everything I had. I poured all of my feelings into that kiss and when we pulled apart I knew she got it.

"I love you Talia," I said.

"I love you too."

I spun Talia around in my arms and she giggled.

"Oh, one more thing," I said. I'd almost forgotten.

I stepped behind the tree and grabbed the sword that was waiting there. I'd had it made specially for Talia. The hilt had a yellow gem in it for my sunshine.

"This is for you," I said and handed the sword to Talia. She looked like a child on Christmas Day.

The sword was heavy, but Talia handled it well.

"It's beautiful," she said. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Talia smiled up at me looking mischievous.

"Can we practice some more?"

"Anything for you Sunshine."

I gave Talia a kiss on the forehead and pulled out my own sword.



I trained with Beck until my arms felt like they were going to fall off and then I ran straight to my room.

I rang the bell vigorously and all three of my maids ran in like crazy.

"What's wrong?" Maggie asked frantically.

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" I chirped.

"Don't scare us like that!" Lina scolded.

"Sorry, I just have the best news in the existence of ever!"

All three of my maids looked at me expectantly and I showed them my left hand.

"I knew it!" Lina shouted.

"Congratulations," came from Maggie and Anna just hugged me, teary eyed.

"I'm so happy for you," she whispered.

"Me too."

That night I went to bed with a smile on my face and dreamed about my future life with my future husband.

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