1. A kiss of freedom

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"Strength does not come from your winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

-Arnold Schwarzengger

Third Person's P.O.V

He could feel her, he knew she was nearby. It frustrated him as to the many years he searched high and low for her, traveling across the world just to find her, with no success. When the whole time she was sitting right under his nose, in his very own kingdom.


He groomed himself to look appropriate as this was it, he was finally going to take her and make her his. One way or another by force or by will and he knew the moment he had her in his possession, all chaos was subject to rise again, and they surely would be victorious this time.

Gathering his guards he set to his goal, the only thing on his mind was to have her. He longed for her and craved her presence, he knew that they would be unstoppable together. But he had to overcome the hard part to receive his triumph. Capturing was easy but getting her to not kill everyone because of her bloodlust and vengeance...now that was the hard part.

He knew of her strength and he knew it was unmatched. Goosebumps filled his skin as he set out shifting his form. He howls a cry of soon to be glory as the wind blew against his fur, his paws pounding against the dirt giving him a sense of satisfaction not know the horrid tragedy he was about to succumb to.

Octavia's P.O.V

The smells of the devil's lettuce filled my environment as I used it on a daily basis. Taking up the key from the tiny table by the door I exited my house. I walked briskly on the stepping stones of my small isolated home as I began my journey to the village.

The grass curled beneath my feet as I walked down the lonely path. The wind blowing kissing and caressing my skin. You could hear the sound of water crashing against the rocks from the river nearby, as the sun slowly began to peek over the mountains. The birds chirping as they flew into the forest.

The forest

Home of many untold tales, it's said that many go in, but only few are lucky enough to come out. It's the barrier to the Castle of our kingdom, Aedion.

Rumor has it, if you listen closely you can still hear the screams of the trapped souls behind the walls. The King was said to be merciless, narcissistic, brutal and egoistical when it came to any form of molestation. He gained pleasure from any form a pain. He was an overall sadistic with his inhumane strength.

My heart skipped a beat at the thought of him. A man I have never seen or met in my life. Shaking the odd feeling I arrived at the village. It was awfully busy today, numerous people on the street as many cars drove by. Loud chatter could be heard as I walked by, music playing on the streets as kids danced and played on the sidewalk.

Pushing the door to my favorite store, May's Hex, the bell above the door rang. Stepping inside I got a euphoric feeling, I was delighted as I looked at the herds on the shelves. They were arranged in alphabetical order with a large variety to choose from. I immediately headed to the back.

I looked at the grocery list I had in hand and gave it to Beatrice who just appeared from around the back. She had on a tight lipped smile and the air in the room suddenly felt tense. "Hey Bea." I said with a gentle wave.

"Hey Tavi, you're-you're early." She replied curtly avoiding my eyes and fumbling with her fingers. I gave her a skeptical look while tilting my head sideways before saying "Bea, what's wrong?"

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