3. Rain and Honeydew

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"Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls." - Anais Nin

Octavia's P.O.V

My world felt like it was lit on fire, a blaze of it on my skin. Burning through my will to live, the cold ground beneath my bare feet, the shackles that chained my arms and legs as the smell of rotten flesh entered my nostrils. The chains on my ankles clashed, digging into what flesh I had left.

Slowly, I peeled my eyes open and took in the sight in front of me, blinking profusely. I adjusted my eyes to the dim flickering of the single light bulb that hung in the center of the room. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt an intense stare piercing the side of my face.

Groggily, I turned my neck to see who it was even though I already knew, but a sharp pain shot through me like liquid fire. I groaned in agony, whilst a deep chuckle resounded through the room.

"Hello Vixen" The King greeted while casually leaning against a wall, watching me with dry amusement. I looked him straight in the eye, the rage evident in my gaze as I spat at his shoe. The King recoiled with a disgusted expression before he gazed back at me with murder in his eyes. He wiped my saliva from his shoe with a piece of cloth tossing it to the side before reaching behind me and pulling my hair backwards till I was hissing in pain.

"Sick fuck." I muttered under my breath but he must have heard as I felt an arm wrap around my neck in the blink of an eye.

My breathing was cut short by the rapid movement, and I felt my heart racing as he gazed at me with such hatred. My face began to flush, and I knew a bruise would appear on my neck.

My vision slowly became cloudy. I intake a deep breath as I tried to grab his arms but failed due to the chains pulling back my hands.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Someone growled from behind as the voice sent shivers down my spine. I gasped when the King was yanked from my arms and brutally pummeled, his body stiffening as he refused to retaliate, blood dripping from his now busted lip.

I stared in shock as a new scent intoxicated my nostrils, the smell of death now long gone.

Rain and honeydew

His chest heaved as he growled "Mine." The pounding of my heart filled my ears. He was glaring at the King who attacked me. After a few seconds of looking between the two and trying to wrap my head around the situation I was still left clueless. Their identical features locked in a stare. His eyes glowed as they locked with mine, I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I wonder if all this looking could tell him how broken I was. I could tell by the intense power that radiated off of him, that he too was royalty.

I hung there now emotionless feeling like an empty void, my entire body began shaking as I was still trying to regain my normal breathing. "Release her." The man ordered no one in particular as a bunch of men now entered, unchaining me and placing me on the cold concrete floor.

He took cautious steps closer until he was barely a feet away, crouching down to my level examining me as soon as I was let free, my muscles relaxed, but the agonizing sensation persisted. I groaned looking at my ankle, it was swollen, and bruises covered my flesh. His eyes darkened as he made note of the state I was in. I needed to take a long bath.

Pushing my pain to the side, I glanced at the two men who stood tall and towered over my diminutive form compared to them on the floor. As though afraid of my reaction, he stepped back.

The King leaned on the wall as he glared at me and the man who just entered with just as much authority had his arms folded looking at me with softer eyes. Every cell in my body screamed run, however I had no energy left to listen.

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