71. Acceptance

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This chapter is dedicated to Jay. Thanks to their support on Patreon, everyone gets to see one more chapter today. So if you're enjoying this story, you should join me in saying a big thank you to Jay.

"Thought I'd have to send out a search party!" Mum called as we jogged up to the beach house. The sun was on the horizon now, and even with the breeze coming off the ocean to cool us down it was still pretty warm. I could see that she'd set our dinner out on the battered table on the deck, which was probably the best in this weather. She was joking, of course. We'd already been moving when she sent us the text messages, so there would have been no way for us to arrive sooner. "What's caught your atten–"

"Sally needs to change before dinner," Lindy interrupted her, unable to wait even a moment to gloat about her little victory. Or perhaps she wanted to get the words in before Mum noticed my pants herself. "Should have kept her in diapers for the trip after all."

"Linda?" Mum raised an eyebrow, and lowered her tone. I could see that she was taking the accusation more seriously than just another joke. "Did you–"

"It was just an accident," I said, before she could finish the question. "No big deal."

"I won't comment about how 'big' you appear to be right now," Mum answered. "But I did promise you that any little babies who can't keep their pants dry will be back in diapers for the rest of the day. So unless there's something you particularly want to say, I think we'd better get you changed into something more appropriate." I nodded, and followed her into the house. Lindy would probably have come too, but Mum turned around and asked her to finish setting the table. Water, glasses, knives and forks; and a salad bowl for snacking. Easy tasks, and it was hard to tell whether Mum just wanted to avoid delaying dinner any further, or she wanted a chance to talk to me without my sister hearing. Along the way, I handed back Mister Tunes, and I was sure I looked guilty enough. Mum would be sure that I was the one who wanted this.

Mum took me into the bathroom downstairs, leading me by the hand, and revealed that she had already unpacked a set of diapers and changing supplies into the cabinet beneath the sink. I had to lie down on the floor while she stripped me in a businesslike manner, and started to unfold one of the diapers. It had a butterfly print; the super thick ones that even made it a little more difficult to walk normally. I parted my legs and looked up at the ceiling, hoping that my blushes weren't too obvious.

"Good baby," Mum said. And then a second later, she spoke again, a little more quietly. "Was this a real accident, baby? I think if you wet your pants without provocation, your sister is going to realise that you don't particularly mind your 'punishment'."

"It was... a little prank. She set me up to say the right things, like she did with you yesterday morning, and made a video. Making it look like I was trying to... Well, it doesn't matter. I just want you to know that this isn't something I wanted. I mean... being treated like a kid is refreshing. And being teased by my sister. But I wouldn't wet myself given the choice. That's still a bit much for me."

"Do you want me to talk to her? Because I did say that–" she went silent for a moment, and held up a finger to indicate that I shouldn't reply. Then she continued in a sing-song voice: "Such a little cutie, aren't you? Will you be able to eat yourself, or will you need Mummy to– I said that I don't want to see you two bullying each other, and I would say that this qualifies. Even if it's just seawater on your pants."

"Why did you–" I started, then shook my head and dismissed that thought. "Never mind. I think this isn't bullying. It's just a prank, like we do every year. And I don't think she should get in trouble for something that she's enjoying so much. I told her I'd get her back for it, and I can do that without needing my Mummy to defend me. One-upmanship in the pranking arena is kind of like our bonding ritual, so long as it stays within the rules."

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