130. Home Again

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"Good morning Mummy!" I said with a laugh, as Mum came in to change my diaper. It was late in the morning, and I might just have decided to wet myself before waking, simply because I was too lazy to get out of bed. Today was theoretically a day of making sure that I had everything I needed for a new year of school, and catching up with anything that remained of my summer homework. But by long tradition, for me and nearly all my friends, the last day of summer was an excuse to be as lazy as physically possible and do nothing that was asked of us.

"You're still a little baby, then?" Mum asked. I could see that she was amused as well, but slightly more serious than me.

"It's the end of summer," I said. "I don't have to be a big girl until tomorrow."

"That might be true," she said. "But I think somebody needs to wake herself up a bit today. You can't go on having a soggy bum when you go back to school, can you? I think you should have a day being all grown-up, so that you can make sure you've not gotten into any bad habits during the weeks of your punishments. And also..." That was where she hesitated, and I knew there was something she was a little less certain about. I made a stab at guessing.

"You said Lindy had to be a baby still today," I said. "She doesn't get to grow up until she goes to school, meaning one less day of spending time with her friends. But I need a break?"

"Yes. And that's why. You see, this is supposed to be a punishment for her. For you, it was always half a game, which is why I had to let you believe that Hugo was upset before Lindy would realise that she'd crossed a line. But... even if this is a token punishment, I want her to feel it. I want her to suffer just a little to drive the point home. That means she can't go on teasing you the whole time. She needs a day, or half a day at least, where she can see that she's in a lower position. While you were both being "punished" with sandcastles and finger painting, she kept on teasing you the whole time, so it was kind of like she's still the big one. I think that to really make sure she understands what she did to you, she should have some time under your control. Which means you need to start acting grown-up before she is allowed to."

I nodded along as she was talking, and thought about my little sister. I guessed that I could still play with her, and we could still both have fun. Even if I was taking charge a little more, it could still be fun.

"Okay," I said a few seconds later. "Maybe I'd better still wear a pull-up today, just while I get used to being potty trained again. But I think I won't need it."

"Whatever you want, sweetie. Do you want me to put you in one and help you dress, before you're properly grown up?" I blushed, but there was no way I could say no to that, especially when she was grinning at me so widely. I let Mum keep on talking to me like I was a toddler, and raised and lowered my arms and legs as commanded while she put me in one of the pull-up diapers, loose jeans, and a Punk Snail hoodie. I wondered why she'd chosen that one; it was at least a year since I'd last worn it, and barely even listened to their music now. But when Mum stood me up and led me over to look at myself in the mirror, I understood. I was in a baggy hoodie with a fringe around the edge; meaning that it was perfectly suited to making it even less likely that the extra bulk of my diaper would be visible.

"Thank you!" I said, doing a twirl. And then I hugged Mum close, trying to show just how grateful I had been for this summer, before I stepped back and thanked her again, putting on a voice that didn't sound like a bouncy, over-excited toddler this time.

When I got down to breakfast, Lindy looked a little disappointed that she couldn't tease me. But she didn't fight; she knew that this was something she had brought on herself, and she had accepted the punishment as a way to remind her that she must never act like that again. I didn't think that she would be any trouble now; and some time today she would be allowed to act her age again. If she really wanted to, of course.

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