91. The Ultimate Punishment

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This chapter is dedicated to Jenny Cutie, with thanks for all your support. Thank you! If you'd like me to tag your Wattpad username in the dedication, just let me know.

I woke to the sound of laughter. A quick glance showed me that I was in my own room, but that Lindy was sitting on the chair by the desk, watching me with a huge grin on her face. I might have wondered what she found so funny, but there were other things demanding my attention.

I'd been having such a nice dream, about being a baby floating down the river, that it took me a few seconds to recall what had happened. But the stomach cramps were sure to be a clue. As was the mushy feeling of the diaper clinging to my butt; and when I noticed it, the acrid smell in the air. It seemed that I'd woken up shortly after losing control of my bowels; the grossest, most humiliating ordeal possible. For a second I didn't even think about what was happening, or why. I was focused entirely on how disgusting it was. And then another wave of cramps hit, and as hard as I tried I found that there was no way to stop this happening. I just didn't have the strength to fight whatever Mum had given me.

Why would she do this? I couldn't understand it. Hadn't I been punished enough for a single infraction? But even as I bent double and added even more to the mess in my diaper, I knew that it didn't work that way. I could remember the first time I'd been punished by being treated as a baby, Mum had reminded me that she knew it was something I secretly wanted. That time, she'd known that Lindy was responsible for my accident, and yet she'd asked if it was okay to punish me anyway. Because she thought that Lindy might feel guilty for what she had done if she saw me being punished harshly, and that guilt would stop her from doing it again when no amount of direct discipline could be effective. That was what mattered to Mum; punishment was only a way of teaching us to behave. In the same way that Lindy's punishment last time had been seeing me enduring an overly-harsh ordeal, while Mum and I both knew that I wasn't really suffering.

Mum always thought about how some experience would actually make us feel. She knew that I liked being babied, and so just putting me in diapers wasn't that much of a punishment. If I had decided to make Lindy wet the bed, using a trick which Mum had clearly and unequivocally said was unacceptable, then Mum would have to punish me with something that would actually convince me never to do that again. That meant she would put me through something that she was sure I could never, ever manage to enjoy. Something that didn't have a positive side, and was a pure punishment. So maybe that was what I was going through. Lindy wanted me to be babied as punishment, but Mum knew that wouldn't stop me from doing anything. To both make Lindy feel satisfied and ensure I never repeated my supposed crime, she needed to find some way of babying me that was so extreme, it would be impossible for it to inspire anything but terror and disgust.

I moaned again. The pressure in my guts seemed to have died off for a moment. I didn't really know what she had given me, but I knew that it was putting me through hell. If I'd actually done what I was being punished for, this would absolutely have convinced me never to try it again. And at the same time, I could imagine if Lindy had been caught and gone through this, she would only have doubled down. Because, like Mum had said, she was a smart girl. If she got caught and Mum did this to her, she would feel like she was owed revenge. And she would be twice as determined to never get caught again; which for a smart kid like there would almost have been an invitation to find ways to do it that didn't attract the possibility of getting caught.

"Oh, I didn't tell you!" Lindy squeaked, "You got another message from dear Hugo while you were napping. I was right there when it came, so I could read it flashing up on the lock screen." Suddenly I had to know what she was talking about. It was hard to focus over all the protests from my body, but I needed to know what Hugo had sent me. I didn't think that Lindy had managed to send him anything, but I felt even more helpless knowing that she could interfere with my messages and I didn't even know what was going on.

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