chapter four: its a whore house

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I don't know who thought it was a good idea to put an entire hockey team in one house. Never for a second would I ever leave that many men alone in a house. Especially hockey men.

But here I was. Standing in front of that very house. How the hell did she manage to get me here?

"I don't think this was a good idea!" I yelled over the music.

"What!" Addie shouted back.

"I said! This is a bad idea Addie!" I yelled again.

"Oh c'mon Dani! What could be so bad about a party!" she asked loudly.

Believe me. A lot.

"Addie!" I shouted as she started dragging me to the door. "This is a whore house!" I complained.

"What did you just say!" she turned around to me before opening the door.

"Forget it." I sighed.

Walking into the house I could feel the floor shaking beneath me. Red cups were scattered everywhere and it reeked of alcohol.

"How did you even know about this?" I asked.

"A friend," she said before checking her phone.

I rolled my eyes and looked around again. People were dancing, making out, and obviously drinking. Addie kept dragging me along until we were on the patio outside.

It wasn't until I spotted a particular blonde that I realized who Addie's "friend" was. "Are you serious right now?" I complained to her.

"What? He would've asked you but we all know how that would've gone," she rolled her eyes and dragged me over to him.

"Callum...what a nice surprise," I said sarcastically.

"Look who came!" He smiled, giving us both a hug. "How'd you even get her here?" he asked, pulling away.

"She told me you wouldn't be here," I scoffed.

"Oh really?" he smirked. "Didn't know I was the reason you're such a homebody," he joked.

"I'm gonna get a drink, do you want one Dani?" Addie asks.

I shake my head before she walks off. It was only around nine but I was feeling the effects of my exhaustion. Working overtime last night was stressful and getting home around one in the morning didn't help.

"Dani!" Callum called my name.

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and looked at him. "What?" I asked.

"I think someone wants to talk to you," he pointed over to a bonfire where I saw a familiar face. I turned back to him and gave him a smile before walking over.

"Hi," I smiled, giving him a small wave.

"I knew I would see you again," he chuckled.

"Well here I am," I joked.

"Here you are," he grinned charmingly. Taking a sip of his drink he kept eye contact with me over the rim of the cup.

"Weird question," I said.


"Why'd you choose me?" I asked.

"Choose you for what?" he asked. "That's kind of vague," he laughed.

"Flipping me the puck. Why'd you flip it to me?" I asked with a laugh.

He didn't say anything for a moment and I wondered if I said something wrong. "It's just a little game winning gesture," he smirked. "But I will admit. Whoever got the puck was intended to get it."

"How nice of you," I joked, smiling up at him. He looked down at me and I saw a grin grow on his face.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" he asked, setting his drink down.

"Sure," I responded calmly but if he could feel my heart, it would be another story.


When we got back to the party I felt like trash. Don't get me wrong, being with Ryan was nice and I didn't want it to end, but my extreme exhaustion was catching up to me.

I was fighting to keep my eyes open and could barely focus on anything in front of me. Walking around the side of the house I went to say something to Ryan when I tripped over a root on the ground.

He pulled me back by my waist as I stumbled to regain my balance. "Are you okay?" he asks with concern.

I felt a little spark on my hips as he held me up, but I just ignored it.

"Yeah, sorry," I sighed. "I'm just tired," I yawned.

"Are you sure you can get home alright?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't worry about me," I said softly. "Thanks for the walk Ryan. I had fun." I smiled before walking back to the party.

"Wait!" he shouted and I turned around. "How about I get your number and we can hangout another time," he asked.

"Sure," I smiled, typing my number into his phone.

Turning back around I was quick to find my fiery friend. Dancing on the ping-pong table with a drink in hand, she had a whole crowd around her. I pushed through the crowd until I was at her feet.

"Addie!" I shouted.

She whipped her head around. "Dani!" she gasped. "Come up here with me!" she bent down and held out her hand.

"How about you get down? You're hammered," I laughed.

"What?" she slurred. "No I'm not. I'm perfectly...fine," she smiled.

"Callum's looking for you," I lied.

"Where?" she asked, looking around.

"Inside. Now let's go before he thinks you look like an idiot," I chuckled.

"I do not-look like an idiot," she hiccuped.

"Come on Addie," I held out my hands and she took them. Carefully, I got her down from the table and walked her into the house.

There weren't many people inside which meant they were all probably upstairs. God only knows what's happening up there. I walked into the living room and was disappointed to see Callum on the couch.

"Hey Dani..." he slurred.

You've got to be kidding me.

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