bonus chapter #1

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"He is, and always will be, one of the most important men in my life. Always pulling me aside to give me one of his wise talks." Addie joked as I teared up next to Hunter. "He was the best dad a girl could ask for."

With that she stepped down from the podium as the service continued. It was an emotional day spent at the cemetery.

Johnathan Costa died on February 13.

It was a hard day for all of us, especially Addie. As much as I tried to prepare myself I still cried with her because even if I only met him twice, I felt like I knew him for a lifetime.

Beloved father and husband, his funeral was attended by many friends and loved ones. We were all there. I didn't question driving almost two hours for this ceremony when Addie asked.

As everything concluded and service wrapped up I saw Addie conversing with Cal on the side. I was a teary mess clinging onto Hunter as we walked over to say our goodbyes.

Managing to pull her away to talk alone I comforted her as she cried. "I think I'm gonna stay here for a while." she says, finally calming down.

"Of course," I nod. "Stay. Call me if you need anything Ads." I remind her, hugging her tightly once more.

"I love you Dani." she whispers as I pull away. "And I'm so glad those assholes hit on you at the bar because if they didn't, I know you wouldn't be here right now."

I smile, my eyes watery. "I love you too Addie. I'll see you soon, I promise." I tell her.

She nods and I hug her one last time before saying goodbye with Hunter. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in, kissing the top of my head.

We get in his car and I have to wipe my eyes for the millionth time today.

The idea of John actually being gone has made me think a lot. I'm so, so, so freaking grateful for him. He guided me when I couldn't guide myself.

And he gave me the best thing in my life.

Because he gave me Hunter. Without talking to him about my situation, I don't know where I would be with the man next to me right now. And it's scary to think that he possibly wouldn't be here because of my stupid assumptions.

But John talked to me and led me back to him. And that's exactly why I tear up again in the car.

God, I'm too emotional.

I didn't even know him that well. But I knew him enough to be upset. His favorite color was dark green and his two favorite things in the world were his wife and daughter.

Hunter covers my hand with his and squeezes it lightly. "It's okay T. Let it all out if you want." He talks to me so softly I melt.

But I don't let it all out. It's when we're an hour into the drive and my mind goes back to everything I've been thinking about for days that I do.

His favorite color was dark green. The most important people in his life were his wife and daughter. And he led me back to the best fucking man God has ever created.

"Can I let it all out now?" I ask as my voice cracks.

The road we were on was quite empty and you couldn't see another car for miles. He nods and pulls over.

"C'mere." he pulls my hand as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

Climbing over the center console I sit on his lap and bury my face into his neck. I tell him how he's the best thing to ever freaking happen to me and how without John I don't know where we'd be.

I tell him how guilty I am for not believing him in the first place. I tell him how stupid I am for breaking up with him. I tell him how much I love him and regret saying all the things I said, as mean as they were.

My tears have soaked his shirt and my cry is god awful ugly, but he listens to me, rubbing my back and staying silent.

When I'm done rambling I feel exhausted. My eyes have run out of tears for the rest of the month.

I lift my head and he wipes under my eyes, kissing my forehead. "I don't want you ever blaming yourself for what you did that night Dani."

I take a long blink and rest my forehead against his. "But I always will. I know you don't want me too but I will. Because that night I was a wreck and I was so stupid."


"Hunter. I guilt myself everyday for knowing I didn't trust you enough. And I should have. You never gave me a reason not to." I explain. "So for that I'm so sorry." I apologize.

Those thoughts have been sitting in my head for weeks. I don't know why I never told him, but I kept it to myself. Until now.

And now he's kissing me like it's the last time he's ever going to. Which isn't true because I know I'm not leaving his side tonight. Or ever—if that's even possible.

He pulls away and cups my face. "I love you Dani. And I accept your apology even though I don't need it."

He pecks my lips when I frown. "Let me be the one to blame for once Hunter." I smile and push his hair back. "And I love you too, so much it hurts."

The smile he gives me makes me lose breath and melt all at once. He kisses my cheek and I relax against him, letting his embrace soothe me.

"When we get home can we cuddle and go to sleep?" I mumble, becoming exhausted on his lap.

"We can. But what do you want for dinner?" he asked me. "I can make your favorite pasta or surprise you if you want."

I blink open my eyes and look at him with awe. "What did I do to deserve you?" I genuinely ask.

"I think I should be the one asking that question." he grins and kisses me again.

Yeah, I'm one hundred percent marrying this man.

Very short bonus chapter I know...but this is 1/2. I just wanted to post because Dani's bday is in 2 days!!!

More to come soon so look out!!

Also please check out my new ongoing story It Started with a Concussion. I'm very happy with the support already!! You can also catch a glimpse of Dani and Hunter over there!!

I love you guys <333

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