chapter thirty seven: stalker

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Hunter's POV

"Someone's happy."

I look up and see half the team staring at me. I look around confused, seeing no one behind me.

"Who? Me?" I point to myself.

"No the cubby behind you Hunter." Carter jokes. "Yes you."


"So...who's the special lady?" Jason asks.

"Woah...what are you talking about?" I lean forward and lace up my skates.

"Oh c'mon Hunter it's not everyday you walk in with a grin like that." Carter mentions.


"So we'll ask you again," They all sit around me, "Who's the special girl?"

"And do we know her?" Cal adds.

I pause and look at their faces, "Why are guys so sure it's because of a girl? I mean...can't I just be happy one day?" I defend.

"Well you can..." Briggs starts.

"We just don't believe that." Carter finishes.

I sit up and look at them in sarcastic shock, "Wow."

"Just tell us who she is and we'll leave you alone." Jason pushes.

I roll my eyes, "Fine. If I tell you she's just a friend will you leave me alone."

"Maybe." they say.

"I'm serious."

"Yes, we'll leave you alone." Cal smiles.

"For now." Carter mumbles.

Oh my god.

"Then she's just a friend. Alright?" I stood up and adjusted my padding.

"I knew it was Dani." Carter blurts out.

I stop and turn around at the mention of her name. "What?"

"Yeah what?" Cal adds.

The rest of them just laugh. "Oh c'mon Hunter. I see the way you look at her." Carter explains.

"We all do." Marty pitches in.

"Nope I'm still confused." Cal points out and turns to me, "You like Dani?"

I stay silent. Looking around at their curious faces I couldn't form words. I mean what was I supposed to say?

That I think about her for one moment and I can't realize how hard I'm smiling. That someone can point it out and I wouldn't even know.

And that the last time I slept well was when she happened to be next to me.

I mean, to myself I could admit that I liked her more than a friend, but to the seemed weird. Almost too personal.

I was about to make up an answer when an all too familiar voice filled the room. "We're talking about Dani?"

I look over and roll my eyes, "What's it to you?"

Great. Just the torture I needed this early in the morning.

"Hey, I just want to know what you're talking about," he crossed his arms.

I look back at everyone and they all have the same annoyed expression.

"Why do you even care Ryan?" Cal asks, sounding a little mad.

"Yeah it's not like she likes you." I add.

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