Chapter 30

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Five years have passed and everything has been going well for the couple. Y/N managed to deliver a good project with Sana and it became quite succesful. She didn't get promoted but her wage did increase after that. Over the years Sana got multiple opportunities and now she's one of the directors at the company which has become a bit more difficult for Y/N since Sana has authority over her now. Sana hasn't changed at all if you were wondering. She still tries to make Y/N feel bad whenever she gets the chance to. Y/N tried lots of things for the bullying to stop, but it never did. Luckily Y/N and Sana are in different departments so they barely see each other.

Jihyo has gotten quite succesful in the past few years. She got promoted two years ago and now she's covering international news instead of national. However this does mean that she has to travel a lot and go on business trips.

The kids are doing fine. Yewon is 11 by now and a bit of a rebellious kid you could say. She's the kind of person that likes to defend herself and will talk back to you no matter who you are, a bit like her mother Jihyo.

Yunseo is seven right now and is the opposite of Yewon. He's quiet and calm and goes along with whatever he's being told. He has more of the same personality traits as Y/N.

"You're still awake?" Jihyo asked as she quietely entered her apartment with her suitcase in the middle of the night coming back from a business trip in Japan.

"Yeah, I was waiting for you." Y/N smiled and Jihyo placed a long kiss on her wive's lips.

"You don't have to wait for me all the time." The younger woman stated as she caressed Y/N's cheek.

"I want to wait for you." Y/N smiled weakly. "The kids have missed you and so did I." Jihyo was supposed to be gone for five days but it eventually ended up being nine days.

"I missed them too. I really want to go and hug them right now but I don't want to disturb their sleep."

"You can do that in the morning."

"I can't hug them right now but I can hug you." Jihyo smiled and hugged her wife sideways. "Were the kids giving you a hard time?"

"Yunseo? No. Yewon? Yes. She got in trouble at school again."

"Again?" Jihyo sighed pulling away from Y/N. "What did she do?"

"Cursed her teacher out because he scolded her for not doing her homework."

"How come she didn't do her homework? Didn't you check?"

"She told me that it was due another day." Y/N defended.

"Y/N... She's been lying to you a lot lately, you realise that right?"

"I know. She doesn't really listen to me anymore. That's why I need you, she does listen to you." Since Jihyo is the strict mother they listen to her more than they do to Y/N.

"I know. I'm sorry I've been really absent lately." Jihyo looked down. She has accepted every opportunity to go on a business trip in the past two years and therefore has been pretty absent. Y/N didn't really mind it in the beginning. In fact she knows that it was always Jihyo's dream and she's glad that her wife can funfill her dreams and travel however as much as she wants Jihyo to go after her dreams, she needs Jihyo more by her side.

Y/N also has a hard job that demands a lot of time and taking care of the kids all by herself is pretty difficult especially with Yewon. Sometimes she wishes Jihyo was by her side more because Jihyo knows how to deal with the kids better when they do something wrong. She knows how to punish them while Y/N is too weak to do that. She doesn't have it in her to punish the kids.

The kids are also starting to ask questions on why Jihyo is absent so much. They want to spend more time with their mother, but Jihyo is always busy.

"It's fine. I know this is your dream, you gotta make the most out of it since you never know when you'll get the chance again." Although Y/N and the kids really need her more by their side, Y/N doesn't say anything about it. She doesn't want Jihyo to give up on her dreams for them.

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