Chapter 53

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Remi stayed over for another hour, but then she had to leave because she promised her aunt that she'd babysit her baby cousin for the afternoon. Talking to Remi definitely gave me more clarity. She's right when she says that I tend to find the negative in every positive situation. I've found that when something is too good to be true in my life, it's because it usually is. But I'm done questioning Nico's feelings, and I'm going to accept what he's been showing and telling me for what they're worth.

I head to the kitchen to make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'm just about done toasting the bread when Grandma Ruby walks in.

"Whatcha making?" she asks me.

"Lazy Sundays call for PB&J sandwiches."

"I couldn't agree more," she says as she takes a seat at the dining table.

"Want one?"

She presses her lips together as she ponders my question. "Sure, why not? Thanks, sweetheart." I remove two more slices of bread from the bag, then smear one side with peanut butter and the other with jelly. "It was nice having Nico over for dinner the other night."

I stop what I'm doing and pick my head up to look at her. "Yeah, it was."

"How did he take it with Danny being here?"


I forgot about Danny.


I kissed Nico. While I'm technically still with Danny.

Not wanting for Grandma Ruby to notice my internal breakdown, I go back to prepping her sandwich. "Uh, he was fine."

"Huh, it didn't seem that way, but then again, Nico's a big boy. He's not your responsibility. Especially not when Danny is the one that you're dating."

Now my focus is completely out the window. I walk over to where Grandma Ruby is sitting and hand her the sandwich. She thanks me before taking a bite.

"Grams, can I ask you something?"

"This is delicious," she says of the sandwich. "And, of course, dear. You can ask me anything."

I take a seat on the chair that's across from her and scoot it in closer. I interlace my fingers and then drop my elbows down on the table, leaning my chin against my hands. "Is love supposed to be complicated?"

The question definitely catches her off-guard, and she clears her throat before responding. "Well...if it's not complicated, then it isn't love."

"But wasn't loving Grandpa Will easy for you? For the both of you?"

"Isabella, dear, love's not easy for anyone. If it were, the indescribable feelings that come with it wouldn't be worth it. Letting something confuse you, terrify you, test you, might be frustrating and defeating in the moment, but once you pass through that storm, there's a beautiful thing waiting for you on the other side of it."

I chew on my lower lip as I consider Grandma Ruby's words. She's right. While I've loved, I've never been in love before, and while I'm sure that it can be messy at times, I'm also sure that it's the most powerful, extraordinary experience when one is fortunate enough to go through it.

"You're right. I guess I'm just scared."

"And that's normal. Love is a scary thing, there's no doubt about that. At the same time, though, anything that doesn't scare you, doesn't teach you, doesn't challenge you, doesn't make you stronger."


Today might have been my favorite day working at Sweets, and that's simply due to the fact that mom is here having coffee with Adam.

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