Bonus Chapter 2!

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For context (and *spoiler alert*): This chapter takes place the day after Remi's birthday dinner.


"Bella's looking good this summer," Brooks remarks as he passes me the ball. We're at my house in the backyard playing soccer.

I do a little leg trick, bouncing the ball on the tips of my feet before hitting it with my knee. "Don't make me beat your ass, Brooks," I glare at him and state. He knows how much it riles me up when he talks about Bella like he wants her.

"I'm just playing, Nic," he steadies his hands in the air and says with a laugh to make light of his words. "Damn, I almost forgot how possessive you get when someone utters her name."

"I'm not possessive, you fuck. I'm just protective. Bella's too good, and it pisses the shit out of me when guys think that they can take advantage of her."

"I'm not trying to take advantage of her, Nic. I've known Bella for just as long as you have. I care about her, too, you know?"

I know that Brooks' comment was harmless, but it still infuriates the shit out of me. It should settle me that Brooks sees Bella as a sister and nothing more, but it doesn't.

I keep my eye on the soccer ball, and use my frustration to run towards it with just enough power to shoot a winning shot past Brooks.

"Damn," Brooks mumbles under his breath, grabbing onto his hips and looking down at the grass. "You always need to kick my ass at this game? I get it, you're a fucking pro. You don't need to remind me."

"Don't be a sore loser, Brooks. It doesn't suit you," I joke.

I run up to him, sweat dripping down the sides of my face, and run my fingers through my partially-soaked hair. Shit, it's hot out here.

"Hey, listen...about the Bella thing," I begin, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bug out. I just...I hate seeing her with that kid Danny. And I...I can't stop thinking about the way that she kissed him in front of my face last night at Remi's birthday." I try to erase the image from my mind, but it's all that I can think about.

Brooks angles his water bottle upwards and takes a massive chug before responding. "In her defense, you are with Cara."

I look at him like he's got to be shitting me. He's supposed to be on my side. "You know that I feel nothing for Cara." I hate admitting it, but it's the truth.

"Your parents still up your ass about dating her?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Yup."

I make my way over to the side of the lawn and drink my blue Gatorade. Brooks follows me and looks at me to go on. He knows that there's so much more that I want to say. "Every time that I'm holding Cara, I wish that it was Bella in my arms. Every time that I'm kissing Cara, I'm wishing that it was Bella's lips. It's fucked up, I know. I just...I can't help it."

"I don't understand you, bro," Brooks states, shaking his head. "You've loved Bella since the day that you met her. Why don't you just tell her how you feel?"

I've thought about it, trust me I have. I want nothing more than to confess to Bella that my world revolves around hers, but I can't. The timing isn't right. I'm stressed the fuck out, and if I have to have one more conversation with my dad about dropping out of Columbia to join the family business than I'm going to lose my damn mind.

"It's not that simple."

"Then make it simple," Brooks asserts, clearly frustrated with me. And I get it. He knows how I feel about Bella. He's known since day one.

Brooks walks up to me, pressing his lips together like he feels bad for his tone, and places his grip on my shoulder. "C'mon, Nic. Do something for yourself. Please. I'm begging you. You put everyone else first. Why can't you start putting yourself first?"

I chew on my upper lip until I finally say, "Bella comes before me. Before anyone. Always. End of story."

"I know, man. You love her. But you gotta start showing some love to yourself, too. Maybe then you'll start to see how much Bella actually cares about you."

"I know she cares about me," I snap, and Brooks lets out a breath.

"The way that she cares about you is more than you think. The way that she loves you is more than you think."

"Brooks, don't," I swipe my hand in the air and state. "I don't want to hear it."

He looks at me, perplexed. "You don't want to hear me say that the girl you want wants you just as much? Loves you just as much? What the fuck is wrong with you, bro?"

"Because she doesn't!" I shout, and my tone catches Brooks off-guard. "She couldn't."

He rubs at his jaw with his hands. "You have it all wrong, Nic. But I'll leave you alone."

He starts to walk away from me and towards the driveway when I call out to him, "Hey! Where you going?"

"I love you Nic. You're my best friend. But I think that you have some deep thinking to do." He looks at me as I stand there. "Don't you have to meet Cara at Milly's soon, anyhow?"

Shit. Her dress fitting for the Summer Dance is today?

I glance at the Rolex on my wrist. "Fuck," I say when I notice the time. "I was supposed to be there 5 minutes ago."

Brooks chuckles. "You weren't shitting me. You really don't like this girl, do you?"

"There's only one girl that I want to be with," I remind him, and he just nods, continuing to walk the other way. "Brooks." He snaps his head back to face me, and I hold up a finger to him. "Not a word of this to Bella. You hear me? She can't know how I feel about her."

Brooks doesn't answer me. He just looks at me like he hates my words. You want to know what? I hate them even more.

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