Bonus Chapter 5!

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"Nico, darling, is there something wrong with the steak?" mom casually asks me. It's almost as if the miserable expression on my face right now doesn't even exist. That's mom for you, though; always trying to ignore the problems, always trying to paint the perfect life.

I'll let you in on a little secret...the lives of the Bradford family are nowhere near perfect.

Mom's barely uttered a word this entire time and dad's been on his phone. If he's not responding to an email, he's answering a call.

"Just let it go to voicemail, Mark," mom had told him the first time around, but all that got her was a scowl.

Here we are sitting at some 5-star restaurant that I can't even enjoy because the hostility consuming the air right now is so strong I can't feel past it.

I've had enough of tonight, which is why I grip the napkin that's on my lap, pat my lips with it, and then drop it onto the table.

"Excuse me for just a second," I tell my parents as I scoot my chair out. I feel my dad's eyes follow my move as I come to a stand. He's able to reach for my hand before I can walk away.

"And just where do you think you're going?" he has the decency to ask me.

I shake my head in disbelief. "To the bathroom," I tell him like he shouldn't have a problem with my answer.

He huffs out of annoyance, almost like he doesn't believe me. Maybe that's because the last time we were out to dinner, I did the exact same thing...but never came back to the table. Mom and dad were fighting the entire night, and it was testing my patience, so, I got the hell out of there and went to Brooks' house instead.

Luckily, dad doesn't press me further, and I'm able to make it away from the table. But instead of going to the bathroom, I head outside.

I need to vent right now.

There's a slight breeze in the air, so I zip my bomber, blow some heat into my hands, and then reach for the cellphone that's in my back pocket.

I dial the only person that's been occupying my mind.

"Nico, you okay?" are the first words out of Bella's mouth the second that she picks up.

I scratch the back of my head, trying to figure out why I actually called her. To be real with you, I just wanted to hear her voice. Plus, I can't stop thinking about last night...after I dropped her home from my parent's anniversary party. I told her that I loved her, and as scared as I was to declare those words out loud, I don't regret them. They came straight from my heart.

"I'm good," I chuckle softly. I always hate when she sounds worried about me.

"How was dinner with your parents?" she asks me.

"I'm still here," is all I say.

"Oh," she says before pausing, and I know that she wants to say more. I don't give her a chance to, though. Instead, I blurt out:

"Can I see you tonight? I know that it's late and that you have work tomorrow, but I...I need to see you."

"Yes, of course," she says, and I didn't know that 3 simple words could make me so happy.

I tell her that I'll see her soon, then hang up, grinning as I turn off the screen before sliding the phone back into my pocket.

The second that I turn around, I'm face-to-face with my dad, whose hands are tucked inside the pockets of his navy plaid pants.

"Who was that?" he bobs his head at me and asks.

I contemplate lying to him for just a second, but then decide against it.

"Bella," I confidently respond.

He sighs and then shakes his head at me like I'm at fault for something. "Your mother warned me about her."

"Warned?" I can't help but repeat in a disgusted tone.

"She told me how infatuated you are with Ruby's granddaughter."

"Bella," I say, hating that he pretends to not even know her. "Her name is Bella."

"Right, Bella," he sarcastically says, nodding his head. "Nice girl," he continues to speak as he walks towards me. "Not really the girl for you, I'd say."

I feel my fists curl up at the sides of my body. I look at him in an appalled manner, then state, "I'm going inside."

I go to make my way past him, but he stops me by putting his palm on my chest. "Not so fast, son," he tells me. "Whatever it is that you've got going on with that end it."

I chuckle obnoxiously at the absurdity of his words. "I'm not going to do that."

"I'm not asking you, Nico."

His eyes are so dark, I'm tempted to look away, but I can't. I won't. Because that's what he wants. Power.

"I know. And that still doesn't change my answer," I tell him.

I'm finally able to make it past him, but before I can push open the door, he calls out:

"It's too bad you can't make it to her tonight."

That gets me to turn around.

"What are you talking about?" I spit.

"Didn't you hear? Your mother made plans. We're going to the Wellingtons for tea after dinner." The in Cara's family.

Son of a...

My dad knows what he's doing and he loves that he's doing it.

"It's a good thing that I don't like tea then," I smirk, and my dad's malicious grin disappears. He strides towards me with disapproval in his eyes.

"Don't be a wiseass, Nico," he threatens, pressing his finger into my chest. "It doesn't suit you." And just like that - when he knows that he's left me speechless - he sweeps by me with a smirk on his face and heads inside.

I flare my nostrils as my whole body heats up with anger, and then I do something that I really wish I didn't have to do. I whip out my phone and text Bella:

Never mind. I can't make it over tonight.

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