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*June 3rd, 1960*

SUMMER WAS FINALLY HERE. As the final bell of her junior year rang, her, Chris Noel, and Ginny Danbury all walked out of the doors of Ridgeway High. Rebetta couldn't have been any happier. She finally didn't have to worry about school for a few months, and this was her first summer in Vermont. She was thrilled.

She was also thrilled because Charlie had asked her to go to his parents lake house for the weekend. Charlie and Rebetta had gotten even closer after he had come over to her house and she had gotten deep with him. They had spent almost everyday together, and if they didn't see each other, Charlie would call.

Rebetta didn't want to admit it because it was scary. But she was slowly starting to get the same feelings for Charlie like she did with Neil. The butterflies, the heart racing, the smiling. She had to be careful, it was Charlie Dalton after all. The world's biggest flirt. She couldn't get too attached, as she was still facing the consequences of Neil.

So when Charlie asked Rebetta to go to his lake house for the week, she thought he was crazy. "Charlie, are you crazy?" She asked him as he sat on her bed, giving her a cheeky smile. "My grandmother would never approve of me going thirty minutes away to a lake house! Especially with a boy!"

"But Rose loves me." He told her.

"Well, that's because she loves everyone, Charlie." She told him, sitting at the end of the bed. Charlie shrugged as Rose knocked on the door, which was open.

"Just wanted to check up on you two," Rose smiled softly and looked over at Charlie. "Hello Charlie."

"Hi Rose," Charlie smiled over at her and looked over at Rebetta. It wouldn't hurt to ask Rose right now if Rebetta could come to his cottage. He would make up a lie, saying that it would be them and the rest of the poets. But in reality, it would just be the two of them. "I have a quick question for you, if you don't mind."

"Sure Charlie, go right ahead." Rose said. Rebetta shot him a glare as she knew what he was doing. She couldn't argue with him, not with her grandmother in the room.

"I was just wondering if it was okay if Rebetta could come to my lake house next week. Just for the weekend," Charlie asked. "It's the beginning of summer and Betta hasn't really seen Vermont in the summertime. I wanted to make sure it was okay with you."

Rose leaned against the side of the doorframe, looking at Charlie. "I suppose I don't see what's wrong with that," Rose told him. "But is it just going to be you and Betta? I hope not."

Rebetta was about to open her mouth, but Charlie beat her to it. "No, I was going to bring our friends at Welton Academy too. I also asked Chris Noel and Ginny Danbury to come along as well." Charlie lied. Charlie didn't want to lie, but he also wanted Rebetta to come. He wanted her to come badly.

"Oh, well if that's the case then it's definitely okay with me. It's good for you to get out of the house Betta!" Rose smiled at her. Rebetta gave her a pressed smile back at her. "Well, I'm going to go write in my office so if either of you need me, just let me know." Rose told them both as she exited the walkway.

As soon as Rebetta heard the door shut to Rose's office, she glared at Charlie. "You lied?"

"Betta, come on." Charlie smiled, got up and grabbed her hands. "I really wanted you to come. You deserve at least something from the crappy time you've had. It's the least I could have done."

Rebetta looked up at Charlie as he held onto her hands. She felt her heartbeat all the way in her chest. "Come on. I promise we'll have fun. We can read on the dock and dance to music. It'll be the time of your life. Say you'll come."

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