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*6 years later, 1975*

"Chris! Come here and help me real quick!" Rebetta called out to her as she was setting up the table. Chris rushed over and helped her set up all the food Rebetta had scattered across the table.

"Did you make all of this yourself?" Chris asked as she uncovered the different tupperware that Rebetta had made.

"Yes but Charlie and Rose helped me." Rebetta smiled sweetly.

After professing her love to Charlie Dalton, she had moved back to Vermont to live with him. It was hard for her to say goodbye to Todd Anderson and especially Neil Perry, but she knew that they weren't going to be gone anytime soon. She had quit her job and had dreams of following in her grandmother's footsteps, becoming an author and writing about her experience with the Dead Poets Society and her time at Welton Academy.

Charlie and Rebetta eventually got married, in a small little ceremony in their backyard in the spring of 1970 and one year later, had their daughter, Rose Keating Dalton. It was truly the life that she had always dreamed about. She loved Charlie even more each day, as a husband and of course as a dad.

Neil moved into Todd's after Rebetta had left. Even though homosexuality was still a sin and a big no, they still tried to live life to the fullest. Todd would go to every single one of Neil's shows, always in the first row and cheer him on. Neil would stay up with Todd every single night while he graded papers. Neil would sometimes even help him grade his papers if he was too stressed out. They would cook with each other every night and listen to classical music in the kitchen. If anything, the best thing that ever happened was Rebetta and Neil deciding to be just friends.

Chris and Knox were still going strong. They had a total of three kids, all back to back. A boy named Jesse, and two twin girls Nancy and Veronica. They only lived twenty minutes away from Charlie and Rebetta, and Nancy and Veronica were around the same age as Rose. Jesse always loved to play with them as well.

Pitts was doing better since Meeks death. The first few months were quite rough on him, but he knew he had his other fellow poets on his side. He knew he wasn't alone. He had stayed in Boston after everything that had happened. Through the darkness of it all, he had met someone who had changed his life forever. His therapist, Shirley.

They had gone on a few dates and ever since then, the two were two peas in a pod. Anything that he did, she did. She had really become part of the family and the rest of the poets had fallen in love with her. They just keep nagging Pitts to ask the big question.

Today, they were celebrating the release of Betta's first ever book. It had been a process, finding different publishers, changing some names of people so she wouldn't get sued and also a lawyer, who happened to be no other than

Richard Cameron.

Cameron was the one to approach Betta and apologize for everything he had done to her. He had apologized to Charlie as well, for putting him in the position to get expelled at Welton. But Charlie and Rebetta reminded him that it was the best choice of their life. Cameron had his life together, a wife and four kids. Even after everything that had happened, he was a fellow dead poet... one of the first of them. He was still important.

All the kids were playing down by the lake as Knox, Shirley and Pitts picked up on kid watching duties while Charlie was grilling up some food. "It's a shame Neil and Todd couldn't be here," Rebetta mumbled as she wiped her hands on her pants. "But Neil has this big show coming up so I didn't want him to miss it."

"How did Rose take that?" Chris asked.

Rose loved Uncle Neil and Uncle Todd. Especially Uncle Neil. Uncle Neil was probably her best friend in the whole world. On the Wednesday's that Todd would call, Rose would snatch the phone from Rebetta's hands and beg to talk to Uncle Neil. So when Rebetta told Rose that Uncle Todd and Neil couldn't make it, she didn't take it very well.

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