Chapter 28 Concequences

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It had only been a few days after the events of Steffan's plan when Professor McGonagall approached Amaris in the Great Hall. It was lunchtime, Amaris had finished eating and was about to head out to the willow tree to meet the others.

"Miss Lovec, could you come with me, please?" The teacher said, "Headmaster Dumbledore has time to speak with you now"

"About what?" Amaris asked as she got up.

McGonagall blinked, "As I remember, you wanted to talk to him but we never made it to his office."

"Oh, right, that," Amaris laughed nervously, "yes, I'm ready now."

Amaris followed the teacher to the Headmaster's office, her embarrassment gradually being overshadowed by her eagerness to hear any news Dumbledore had.

They reached the griffin statue and McGonagall spoke the password, "Rhubarb and Custard". The statue leapt aside to reveal the spiral staircase, which Amaris began to climb.

Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk when she entered, his half-moon glasses and silver hair simmering in the early summer light coming through the window. He smiled when he saw her. "Miss Lovec, it has been too long. I must apologise again for cutting your private lessons short, though I hear you have been doing very well in your classes. Even Professor Snape tells me your Potions work has improved significantly."

Amaris made a disbelieving face as she sat down opposite the Headteacher.

"Well, his actual words were 'she is not as much of a lost cause as she was' ", Dumbledore conceded, "but that is rather high praise from him."

Amaris looked away, slightly embarrassed by the compliment, "I've been getting some help."

"So Miss Granger still has time in her busy schedule to help others," 

Amaris thought for a second and then said, "No, actually. Hermione doesn't have time for anything other than work and maybe sleep. I've been getting help from Kim, Kim Seacole."

"Really," Dumbledore said, not sounding surprised at all. "She's in Hufflepuff house, isn't she?" There was a twinkle in his eyes.

Amaris felt like she was being tested. "Yes but she's very good at potions."

"Why do you sound defensive?" The Professor asked. "There's no rule saying you can't be friends with people outside of your house, in fact, I wish it happened more."

Amaris fell silent, wondering if she should mention Matt and Steffan too. Dumbledore didn't say anything for a moment either, as if he was waiting to see if she would. When at last, he carried on, Amaris had the feeling that she had failed the test.

"Anyway, that's not why I brought you here today. I heard that you were asking to speak with me to see if I had any more information about the people you used to live with. And as it turns out, I do."

Amaris leaned forward in her chair. 

"Currently, they are all still being held at a base here in Britain as the process of finding them new homes is very inefficient. As it happens, I know one of the people in the Ministry who is dealing with this whole thing and he owes me a favour." Dumbledore said, "he told me that he can get a letter to them."

"Really?" Amaris beamed.

"That is the least he can do," the Headteacher continued, "he can't make any promises for anything else yet as he will have to persuade his superiors. But once you've written your letter, give it to Professor McGonagall as she'll pass it on to me."

"Thank you, sir," Amaris said, jumping out of her seat, ready to start writing the moment she got back to the dorm.

"Please sit back down," Dumbledore said, "I have one more thing to discuss with you."

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