Chapter 6 Up Bright and Early

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Amaris was up for the sunrise, as she often was, and she watched the sky shift through reds and golds before settling as a pale blue. The Gryffindor Tower was just as high up as last night's climb had felt but the view out of the tall windows was worth it: the view of the grounds was the most magnificent thing she had ever seen. Pachua flew around the room above her on silent wings, shimmering in the morning light. 

The excitement of the upcoming day buzzed inside her as Amaris got dressed into her new robes. Then she packed everything she thought she might need for the day into her worn leather bag: quill, ink, parchment, spare quill, a stack of textbooks, spare ink, earmuffs. By the end of this, the bag was stuffed to the brim and very heavy and her trunk was left practically empty, besides a pile of clothes. 

That and a battered book that was held securely in a side pocket. It was slightly dog-eared and some of the pages stuck out at uneven angles. The faded cover bore the words "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”. 

After over ten minutes she had reduced the contents of her bag to the point where she could safely pick it up without the fear of snapping the straps off. Convinced that everything still in the bag was the bare essential, she strapped it shut. Ready for the day ahead, Amaris bounced onto the bed, awaiting the others to wake up. 

Her eyes fell on the book still in her trunk, her excitement evaporating. She carefully took the book from the pocket and cradled it in her arms. With delicate fingers, she stroked the cover, tracing the embossed lettering and patterns like she had done hundreds of times before, her eyes glazed over.

Several alarms rang out, making her jump and jerking her from her thoughts. She quickly added the book to the contents of the bag. 

She whistled a short high note and the blue bird-like creature zipped towards her then curled itself around her left ear like an earring. Her black hair flowed over it, concealing it from view. Hermione was the first to emerge from her bed and, being thoroughly surprised to find Amaris not only up but also completely ready and waiting for her, hurried off the dorm's bathroom to get ready herself.

They left the dorm room at precisely eight o'clock, meeting up with a sleepy-looking Ron and Harry as they climbed out of the portrait hole. The journey from the Gryffindor Tower down to the Great Hall didn't seem so long and confusing as it had done the night before. Everything was much brighter too as the morning light streamed in through the tall windows. The countless picture frames that covered the walls gleamed in it: their occupants much livelier than they had been the last time they had passed them. It was much easier to keep track of the directions now that she wasn't exhausted and full of the feast, but Amaris still hoped that she wouldn't have to make the journey alone any time soon.

As they descended the many flights of stairs, the corridors grew more and more crowded with eager students: some eager to begin their first day of lessons, some just eager for breakfast.

Amaris was certainly the former, excitement pulsed through her getting stronger and stronger the closer she came to the Great Hall.

The hall was already full of life and movement when they arrived. The long tables were lined with students who were tucking into great quantities of breakfast that filled the glinting silver plates. Amaris took in a deep breath, taking in the scent of freshly cooked food and the background hubbub: she could get used to this.

She took in a sharp breath, an unexpected stab of guilt taking her by surprise. She forced the feeling away. No, this is my first day and I will enjoy it.

The sounds of laughter drew Amaris's attention to a group dressed in robes bearing silver and green. At the centre was a blonde boy with a sharp chin, he appeared to be telling the rest of them something that they all found immensely amusing. 

"Hey, Potter!" The shriek was so high pitched, Amaris winced. The voice belonged to a girl who was standing next to the blond boy, a smug look on her pug like face. "Potter! The dementors are coming, Potter! Woooo!"

At this, the pack of Slytherins exploded into laughter again.

With forced indifference, Harry continued along the Gryffindor table, dropping into a seat next to another Weasley, who offered him a piece of paper. "New third-year timetables, " he was less lanky than Ron but the hair and freckles were identical. "What's up with you, Harry?"

"Malfoy, " said Ron, sitting down on the Weasley's other side and glaring over at the Slytherin table.

Sitting down next to Hermione on the other side of Ron, Amaris looked up at the blonde Slytherin ( a Malfoy, of course) who appeared to be on the verge of fainting. She couldn't help laughing. "I bet he's the pride of his prestigious family, he looks like a right idiot, "

"Yeah, he's impersonating Harry," informed Hermione without looking up from the piece of paper the Weasley had handed her.

"Oh" Amaris looked over at Malfoy again, then back at Hermione in hopes she would explain further. Hermione, however, was still inspecting her new timetable intensely.

"Do I have a timetable?" Amaris asked down the table to Ron's brother who was still talking to Harry. But a voice from the other side of the table answered instead.

"Oh, you're the new kid aren't you?" Amaris did a double-take. She looked from one side of the table to the other and back again, and to her bewilderment, two identical faces grinned back at her. "Seeing double?" Snickered one of them, causing the other to laugh.

Ron let out an amused sigh, "Amaris, these are my older brothers. Fred, " the one across the table nodded, "and George." The twin next to Harry gave a wave. "You learn to tell them apart, " Ron added.

"Eventually, " Harry smirked.

"Well, newbie, " said George shuffling through the stack of paper in his hand, "we don't seem to have a timetable for you."

"What? Did you lose it?" Remarked Ron.

Fred gasped in fake offence, " How could you suggest such a thing! When we are given a job, we carry it out to the best of our ability; with diligence and care."

Hermione scoffed, "How did you two get entrusted with the timetables anyway?"

"Nicked them off Percy, of course"

"From right under his nose"

"He didn't even notice they were gone"

"You know, for someone labelled 'head' boy, he doesn't actually use his very often."

Ron and Harry laughed while Hermione looked on disapproving. But Amaris hadn't really been paying attention.

"Maybe you're supposed to follow Hermione's timetable," Ron suggested vaguely, "Wait, what's up with your's?"

" Nothing" Hermione answered defensively.

"It says you have three lessons at the same time."

What am I going to do? Has the school forgotten about me? Maybe I'm not supposed to be here at all. She suddenly felt very lost and out of place. She looked around her, seeing only a sea of strangers and longed for the comfort of a familiar face. Then homesickness filled her, consuming her every thought. She couldn't hold it back anymore, though she tried. Had been trying, ever since that day in mid-August. A day from a lifetime ago when it seemed like nothing would ever change. And the thought of making it to Hogwarts had been nothing more than a dream.

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