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Disclaimer: the universe of the Wizarding World belongs to JK Rowling, the only thing that belongs to me are the characters I have slotted into her story.
I'm not going to be writing out the entire plot of the Harry Potter books so you will need a basic knowledge of what happens in them to fully understand my story (which I'm guessing you'll have because you wouldn't be reading a Harry Potter fanfiction if didn't).
I'm quite new to this so tips and suggestions are welcome.
I hope you enjoy it

20th August 1993

It was cold in the Court Room. The Witches and Wizards who lined the walls turned up their collars and tucked their hands into the sleeves of their robes. With emotionless eyes, they looked down at the large marble chair in the centre of the room below them. In the chair was a girl who was trying her hardest to vanish into it. She had glossy hair that was just short of the waist, it was black apart from a streak on the right that was the colour of pure silver. From beneath the hair, glimmering grey eyes darted around the room, taking in all the unfamiliar people that filled it.

The Head Minister cleared his throat, "This Court is now in session" he said in a business tone."We are here today because Mister Lovec was recently accused and found guilty of having willingly supported He Who Must Not Be Named during the First Wizarding War. During the investigation into these claims, evidence of other illegal activities has come to light. Here we have a witness who will either confirm or deny said crimes"
He cleared his throat again and turned his attention to the girl in the chair who arched her shoulders like a cornered animal. "Do you, Amaris Lovec daughter of the accused, swear to answer all questions truthfully?"
She gave a small nod, keeping her eyes fixed on him.
Then the Minister began his questions."Did your father keep magical beings on his property against their will?"

There was a moments pause while the girl gathered the courage to speak, but when she did her voice was clear and loud enough for all to hear. "Yes, " came her answer.

"Did he also keep magical beasts that had been illegally imported?"

"Yes," she answered again.

"Did he carry out experiments on the creatures he kept?"


"Was his wife, your mother, also subjected to similar experiments?"


"Was it one of these experiments that resulted in her death?"


"Did he perform experiments on you?"

An unbearable silence crept into the room while the question hung in the air. The girl dropped her head and her hair swooped forward, covering her face. Her answer was barely loud enough to be heard.


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