16....rainy morning

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Y/n wakes up to see that the lingere she was wearing was undone a tiny bit.  Flicking her gazr over to the window she blinks a few times to see that it was raining outside.  She sits up still wary from last night lost in such bewilderment.  'Why did he...it doesnt make sense.....even if i ended up trying to find a way out he'll kill my friends one by one' she grabs the blanket pulling it over her shoulders as she heads over to the window watching the ground get soaked in water. 

  Looking around cole was nowhere in sight meaning he must be downstairs.   There were muffled voices talking outside as she silently tiptoe over to the door pressing her ear against the surface. 

"She doesnt need to know whats about to happen next.."

"Well your father wont let his future daughter in law run away"

"If she even thinks about running I'll take out a foot to keep her here at all cost or do something thats more intactful than anything"


"It means that I am going to be putting something in her body something that she cant get rid of...look right now i gotta get dressed"

Their voices were edging closer to the door as she panics and runs to the bed laying down really fast pretending to be asleep.  Just in time as the door opens having Cole shutting it behind him as he walks over to the bed plopping down beside her gently placing his hand on her curve.  "Good morning baby its time to get up" he cooes softly. 

She slowly sits up gulping down the lump in her throat before turning to face him. 

"Hey.." Y/n forces a smile on her face.

  "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept..fine" he leans in closer to kiss her soft lips. 

"We have some things to do today and then we can sit by the fire outside later tonight" he smiles softly at her. 

"Wheres my clothes?"

"Common i can show you lets go" he gently takes her hand in his and leads her to a closet.  Y/n stares at the ground in deep thought.  Cole opens a drawer pulling out a sweater and a pair of jeans alongside some silk purple panties for her. 

"What about the socks...if were gonna be doing stuff today??"

He slowly turns with a straight face.  "Your not going to leave my side at all...ill have you close by me at all times".  He pulls her in the closet and takes a seat watching closely. 

She stiffened up in worry "u-um....i dont know if i wanna change in front of you"

"You'll be fine it'll be like im never here" he sits back crossing his ankle over his knee.  Y/n slightly gulps turning around slowly to strip clean from her clothes.  Putting the shirt on first then changes her panties and gets into the jeans.  "Alright I'm finished..." She turns to see Cole eyeing her down.    He gets up adjusting his clothing dipping his face in her neck taking in her scent. 

"There's a hot tub with colors and nice steamy shower waiting for us...tonight".  He purrs softly against her ear with his voice deeper than before.  Her body slightly shivers in his hold Cole brushes his lips across her warm soft delicate skin hovering over the hickey he left the other day. 


Cole and y/n enter the living room to find his father attending a meeting with the mafia.  They take a seat on a nearby chair he wraps his arms around her waist gently caressing her curves.  He takes a sniff from the sweater breathing shakily. 

  Feeling an erection slowly rising the girl stiffen slightly as he presses her down more.  "We should be able to drag out this position by the end of tonight my son Cole here and his girlfriend will be the ones to sneak in.." This caused him to freeze. 

Looking up over the girls shoulder he stares at his father who continues to discuss the plan.  People began to put their guns In the their pockets lowly talking.   "Are you sure this is going to work?..." "Well yeah it has to be them or the cover will be blown" "lets hope and prey they dont fuck it up".  Silence fills the room making the girl uncomfortable. 

  Cole sensed her being a bit on edge as he gently hugs her he whispers softly.

"Hey its okay I got you everything will be under control my angel..we can go ask my father whats going on-"

"Cole come here for a second please"

"Can she come with me?"

"She'll be fine just sitting there theres something id like to discuss with you"

"Shit..okay" he mutters under his breath.

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