49... jacqeuline

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It was dinner already cole was busy holding his newborn daughter Jacqueline.  As y/n was sound asleep still but she was on the couch this time.  Max comea over to him handing his arms out for the baby. 

"Its my turn to hold my niece"

"Alright..just drop my daughter"

"As if im that harsh"

Max takes his niece from coles arms cradling her small form in his arms, he walks off to the livingroom making small noises to his niece.  Jacqueline holds his finger again sleeping peacefully in his hold.  Zach was off somewhere else out of sight coles father comes up to him.

"It looks like the boy loves his niece...cole i love you greatly my son thank you for bringing a granddaughter into the family ill always be proud of you"

"Thanks dad um have you seen Zach anywhere?..."

"No not that i know of-"

All of the lights go out Cole turns his gaze back over to max who was still holding his niece.  Y/n groans slowly sititng up only to wince.  Cole runs over to her kneeling down talking lowly. 

"How are you holding up?.."

"Recovering i guess...wheres the baby" her words laced with worry

"Dont worry max has her over there....wait where is he..max!?"

He looks around the room trying to search for boy who was holding his newborn daughter.  It was so pitch black he couldn't even see where he went suddenly there was muffled noises Cole turns around to see his father was out cold. 

"What the hell...nathan!! Whats going on!?"

"I dont know its to d-" cole heard his body thud onto the ground.  Where is everyone else.  A shadowy figure was lurking fast in the room.  Cole was keeping a close eye on the figure until he heard more shuffling turning back around his wife was missing.  'Where the hell did she go theres no way she couldve gotten up not after giving birth it makes no sense W-wheres my kid at anyways where is the girls parents!?' Thinking in worry Cole gripped his scalp.  The lights suddenly flickered back on there was no sign of max, the girls parents, his wife or his daughter where could they have gone. 


Zach pov:

"Hey I got you now y/n...your safe now"

"W-what the hell!?"

"You are wary about the situation i understand but look were on the small cruise ship boat with your family now ok?"

"W-wheres my baby girl!?"

"Max has her hes over there keeping her warm in his jacket..."

The girl sighs in relief Zach stands up to start getting the boat to departure.  It took a couple minutes until Cole pulls up on the motor cycle looking at them in shock and bewilderment. 

"Give me my fucking wife and kid back now!!"

  He orders Zach looks up at him and flips him off as the boat was leaving.  Cole immediately takes out his gun tryna shoot at him only to miss.  He throws his gun on the ground running his fingners through his hair in worry and frustration. 

Zach comes back over to the girl holding her palm in his.  He leans in and kisses her lips softly whilst slipping the wedding ring off her finger she looks at him in confusion.  He held it up so she could see why until realization struck her.  He rescued her from Cole after all this time.  Instead Zach pulls her body into his lap holding her closely in his arms.    Comforting her as she closes her eyes he waited until she was asleep again knowing that she was now safe from coles clutches.  Looking over to max who was holding his niece he looks up to see him holding his sister as he softly smiled. 

"Thank you" he mouthed zach understood his words.

Standing up with the girl in his arms he heads into the lower part of the boat placing her body on the soft bed bringing the blanket up to her face kissing her forehead.  He exits the room to hold the newborn max hands her over to him.  Jacqueline holds his pinky as well zach sat down next to max.

"Hey did you grab the stuff to feed her before we left?"

"Yes i did actually it's in the bunker on this boat though im sure you guys are gonna have to move to another state or Alaska maybe I can get you guys to move to the Netherlands"

"Please as long as it's not around where cole cant find us i would gladly get off the map"

"But if that is going to happen im going to ask you something"


"Will you allow me to marry your sister and protect her?"

"Dont have to say that again zach i prefer you over Cole to have my sister you have gained my respect even though he dragged you into kidnapping my sister but I forgive you"

"Thank you i will be good to your sister and her daughter and ill raise her right then start a family with y/n"


The girls parents walk up to Zach whom turned his gaze to them. 

"Thank you so much for rescuing our baby girl from that monster of a person who took her"

"Its no problem im honestly glad i rescued her from his hold now your daughter will marry the right man and i will protect her and the baby from any danger"

"You have our blessing Zach your part of the family were glad to have you as our son in law"

"Its my pleasure of course"

Looking down at the baby in his arms he smild softly, the sun was rising over the horizon.  He heads into the bunker part of the boat seeing that y/n was awake she sees him holding her daughter as she holds her arms out to hold her.  Zach hands Jacqueline over to the girl she smiled softly down at her daughter. 

"Hi sweety I'm so glad to finally meet you"

"Shes adorable just like you y/n.." Zach sits down next to her resting his head upon her shoulder looking down at Jacqueline. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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