47...due date

655 8 2

It's been about a week or so y/n was feeling worse than before her cramps was getting stronger. Nathan spots her hunched over form in the kitchen.

"Hey whats wrong....."

"Its nothing im fine!"

Her soft pained cries notifies him that she wasnt okay at all. Rushing over to her he helps her to the living room Cole was somewhere else. Gently placing her down on the sofa Nathan didn't bother to leave her side.

"Your in a lot of pain y/n....dont lie to me"

"I said im fi- aaah!!"

Her cries grew worse making him stand up in alarm. Grabbing out his phone he starts to dial up coles number, Bethany and the others everyone then answered their calls one at a time. He kneels down to her level talking to her in a soothing voice.

"Cole will be here in a matter of minutes from now"

"It hurts!.."

"I know it does but listen to me he will be calling up the doctor and his family okay"

"I don't wanna give birth yet!" Her tears were falling.

"But if you dont then the baby will be surgically removed and the doctor wont have the stuff for it"

"He won't?..." Her breathing was shaky.

"He wont alright now all im gonna do is ask you to try and stay calm i know your in pain but please believe me alright"

"Okay" her cries were now growing softer as he held her close.

The front door opens to reveal Cole in a worried frenzy. Walking over in a fast pace he had to calm his voice so he wouldn't make her condition any worse. Soon after the doctor arrived along side with vivian, stephany and bethany they come over to the girl.

"At this rate shes going to have to be transferred to another room"

"Like which room?"

"It doesn't matter as long as shes transferred well be able to deliver this baby"

"Alright...y/n honey were gonna move you okay"

"It hurts so bad!"

"I know but we need to move you so that we can deliver the baby okay"

"Okay" she whimpers with tears falling.

He gently picks her up and carries her into a different room where the flat surface of a lab table lay. She looks at it in question Cole sighs and gently lays her on surface.

"Why is there a lab table in here..?"

"I had it prepared ahead of time"

"Wait so this was the room I wasnt allowed in!?"

"I know how you are when it comes to exploring...so i had to lock this room off so you wouldn't be able to get in"

The girl was about to get angry with cole until the cramps start up again. She holds her side curling up to try and subdue the pain but it wasnt working. Something warm was trickling down her legs feeling extremely alarmed.

"What was that...."

"Get her hooked up to the machines Cole call your parents and let them know that its time"

Cole takes his phone out and steps out of the room to call his parents. The girl was completely startled she didnt know what was happening to her. Stephany and Vivian both were now preparing the tools just in case Bethany gently cups the girls palm in hers.

"Giving birth will hurt like a bitch and im not sure how your going to be able to handle this all i can say is that you gotta stay calm"

"What are you talking about! I'm confused whats happening to me why is there a warm leaky substance coming out of me!?!"

"Thats the water breaking...sweetheart"


The girl was now crying even more as Bethany used a handkerchief to wipe her tears away. There was light sweat drops forming on her head stephany and Vivian grabbed bags of clear liquid and hooked them up to the machines. Cole comes back inside trying his best to stay calm.

"My parents will be here soon"

"Good so for now I want you to keep her calm as possible until they arrive"


He takes a seat next to his wife where bethany was sitting.


Its been a couple minutes coles parents arrived at the house.

"Hey I have to go and let my parents in okay can you stay calm when im gone?"

She furrows her brows at him

"Calm..hie can i be calm when im in pain you dont know what its like giving birth to a child!!!!"

Cole raises his hands up in surrender he mistve pissed her off. faint talking could be heard outside the house he exits the room to allow his parents inside.

"Where is she..?"

"Shes down this hallway"

"Are you sure...?"

"Yes mom im sure now common before she gives birth shes already in the process of it"

His mother sounded happy they enter the room where y/n was. She was currently hooked up to the machines looking over at Cole and his parents he takes a seat next to her. Gently wrapping his arms around her body he kisses her forehead softly.

"Lets check the vitals and the percentage shes currently at"

Dr. Xavier stood up for a second to look out the window.

 Xavier stood up for a second to look out the window

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(Now hear me out-)

His glasses rested upon his nose. He turns back around to begin checking her vital signs and percentage she was currently in.

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