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M A T T E O ' S   P O V

   I walked down the stairs of the basement and into the cellar. In the cellar, we had multiple men and women cuffed to chairs and tied to poles. The same men and women that surrounded my property.

   "Oh good, you're awake." I walked up to the man with blood splattered across his white button up. One of his eyes were swollen shut, his lip was split, and he many more injuries that my men caused him.

   "Shall we continue with the questions?" I asked him. He continued his game with staring at the ground. "Which group are you with." I spun a separate chair around to sit in front of him.

   Receiving no answer from the man, I grew quite angry, to say the least. I raised his chin with the knife I had been carrying. "Which fucking group are you with." The man only laughed a manic laugh.

   "And to think your supposed to be the heir of the Italian mafia." He continued his laughter. "Oh boy, you know nothing do you! You can't even read the signs that are lying right under your nose!" He wiped away an imaginary tear.

   I grew confused with the man. What does me having to be the heir have absolutely anything with what were talking about right now? "Please, enlighten me with what the fuck you mean." I said, leaning back in the chair.

   "Shouldn't you be figuring where your dear hermana disappea-" He got cut off due to my fist making contact with his mouth. He spat the blood in the pile beside him. "Don't bring my sister into this. Tell me what you meant."

   The man took a deep breath. "Where has your dear father been recently? Heard he had some business to attend. Ever think that maybe he was up to no good? Father doesn't have the best record with shit like this kid." He said, not breaking eye contact with me.

   I was silent for a minute. My father has done this shit multiple times in the past. He creates a small group, gets their name out there, invites people to join, and then drops it and comes back home to his family. Then after he clears himself, he will go back to his groups, make them more intelligent, make them stronger, and he will use them to scare people.

   But what i'm not understanding is why in the fuck he would use his little gang on his own family. He is literally the don of the Italian mafia and he has been absent in his work.

  "So what you're saying is that you're apart of one of my fathers groups." I asked the man. "Maybe you aren't so stupid after all."

   "That's not even the true story either, Marco." A small voice stated from the corner. We both whipped our heads to whom the voice belonged to. A small girl, no older than the age or 22 sat coward in the darkest corner of the room.

   "Daisy shut the hell up." The man whose name I learned was Marco. "Theres absolutely no point in lying to him. We aren't getting out of here anytime soon, or at all, for that matter. Why don't you just tell him the fucking truth." Daisy spat.

   I pulled the gun from my waistband and pointed it towards Marco. "Woa- Hey we don't have to play like this. I have a wife, two kid's at home." Marco stated, shaking his head. "Who's fault is that? Maybe if you would have told the truth, the only thing I would have done to you was cut a few limbs off." I held my finger over the trigger.

   "Please, Please I-I will do anythi-" All that was heard was the bang of the gun and a gasp from Daisy. "You can do anything you please in hell."

   I placed the gun back in the waistband and slowly started walking towards Daisy. "Why is it that they just think they can lie to me with no consequences? Like I wouldn't have figured out he was lying. Now his poor kids will have to wonder where their wonderful daddy went, why he isn't coming home. If only they realized now that people aren't what they seem to be." I stopped in front of the girl.

   "So tell me, Daisy-" I paused, she held her breath as the knife I carried traced her jaw. "Tell me who you work for, tell me why you were around my house, and tell me if you and your little group have anything to do with my sisters disappearance." I tucked the knife into my pocket, sitting the seat in front of her.

   She took a few deep breath's, looking around the darkened room. "Nobody else in here is awake." I said, reading her mind.

   "The group were in, it's called The Vipers. It's run by my father, Brad. I was forced into his little group. I swear I wanted absolutely nothing to do with any of you or your lives. He has some weird obsession with your sister, Kinsley." She stopped talking for a few minutes.

The mention of Kinsley made my blood run cold. How could a grown ass man have an obsession with a fucking 16 year old.

   "From my understanding, he had all of his groups combined into one. That was so he could have enough people watching and staying around you. He basically wanted eyes on all of you at all times. When he found out Kinsley left with Keaton, he went absolutely ballistic. He blamed all of us for not stopping her."

   "He only told us to watch, not to take action on anything. He said himself that he personally wanted to rip your family apart and the best way to do that was to hurt Kinsley." She paused, taking a minute to breathe.

   "When he figured out where Keaton was living, he brought 20 odd people with him in the middle of the night to attack and try to take Kinsley with him. And from the way word spreads around here, I'm assuming it worked." She stopped talking again, leaning her head back to the walk.

   "And do you have any clue where they could possibly be at right now, if my sisters even alive?"  I whispered the last part. "And why are you so open about this. I would be trying to protect my father." I asked, getting a laugh from Daisy.

   "He has never been a father to me. Never will be. I don't even know who my mother is because he's slept around with so many women. But my best guess is, because he isn't the smartest person in the world, he would be back in the old wear house near his house."

   "Thank you, Daisy I really do appreciate it. I'll get someone down here to get you out of here." I said, standing from the chair.

   "Oh and there's one more thing, before you go." She stopped me. I turned towards her, "What's that?"

"Brad was Kinsley said father."



How we liking the story?

I need your guy's help.

Option one: continue this story out


Option two: write a couple more chapters and make a second book.

i need some help deciding ;-;

<3- K

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