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K I N S L E Y ' S P O V

We're currently at an after after party for one of the many things that my brothers have done. Some type of congratulations for doing something. I don't know. I didn't have the option to stay home.

So here we are, at midnight, dancing in some strangers massive ass living room. Keaton slipped away from the crowd saying something about how he needed another drink and to take a piss so he left me with Owen and Tate.

"Hey guys! I have to use the bathroom, and i'm gonna look for Keaton." I told them, though I don't think they heard me due to them not looking or answering me.

I walked up the stairs and turned around, making sure he wasn't lingering around downstairs somewhere.

   I turned the corner and entered the bathroom, doing my business, and then I left the room. I decided to step out on the balcony, some fresh air would be great after being stuck in a room with everyone.

   But before I opened the door, I heard someone yelling Keatons name. So, as the nosey bitch I am, I decided to walk towards the room in which the noise was coming from. "Willow. Hush. Someones gonna hear."

   Yea. This bitch is gonna hear. I practically kicked the door in. There was Keaton and some blonde bitch, both panting frantically as they looked at me. "Un-fucking-believable." I said, turning around and leaving the room.

   "No, Kinsley, I can explain." Keaton slurred. "I don't think I want a fucking explanation, Keaton. You asked me to be your girlfriend LAST NIGHT and you're doing that." I pointed at the girl with a sheet wrapped around her.

   "No, let me ex-" "I DONT WANT YOU TO EXPLAIN. You shouldn't even have to explain something like this because it should NEVER happen. I'm going home, sober up before you decide to talk to me." I told him, sticking the finger to the bitch in the doorway.

   I turned to walk away, again. "Who even is that?" She asked. I stopped walking and turned just a little to where she could hear me. "I'm your worst fucking nightmare babe."

   I ran down the stairs, grabbing my hoodie that sat on one of the chairs, and slipped out the door. Before I got to far, I made sure I had my phone in my pocket still, in which i did.

   I got to the sidewalk and the tears started pouring. I heard footsteps behind me but just kept walking. "Kinsley. Wait up!" A familiar voice echoed. I stoped and turned around at the comfort that I found in the voice.

   "What are you still doing here, Greyson. Aren't you supposed to be back home." I said. He reached me and looked around for a second. "Our flight got canceled. And my dad wanted to stick around for a while, something about how we have some family here." He paused.

   "Whats wrong? Why are you crying? Pretty girls aren't supposed to cry." He said, holding my head between both of his hands. He wiped away my tears with his thumb, but there was no point cause they just kept falling.

   "Fucking Keaton." I laughed a little. "I knew I shouldn't have said yes to being his girlfriend. He told me about his past. Once a cheater always a cheater right."

   "I feel so stupid, Greyson. I KNEW i shouldn't have let myself get to deep with him. I told myself I wasn't gonna get to attached but now I don't even know what I could do without him. I saw him- then I saw her- and I felt my heart break into a million pieces, all over again." I said, looking down at my feet.

   "I wanted to kill him before. But boy do I really want to fucking get to him now." Greyson said, pulling me into a hug. "He didn't deserve you. He never will deserve you." I wrapped around him and buried my head into his chest.

   "I just feel so stupid." I whispered. "Come on, let's get you ho-" "No. I want to go anywhere but home. I know Keatons gonna be there."

   He nodded. "Lets go back. We can get in my car and go to my house." He said, grabbing hold of my hand. "You might want to text your brothers. Let them know where you went." He said.

   I pulled out my phone, unlocked it, and handed it to him. "Do it for me. I don't even have the energy."

Fucking Keaton.


For my Greyson lovers.


Short chapter cause im anxious to see what yall think-

<3 K

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