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M A T T E O ' S     P O V

"Open the doors." I told the guard, standing in front of it. A few new people got placed into our care last night. "Sir. Before you go in, I do believe there is someone in there-" He pointed "who is or was related to Miss Kinsley." He said, opening the door.

"Lovely." I walked through the door, stopping before I went fully in, "Thank you Matt." The guard nodded, closing the door behind me.

The patter of my shoes was heard as I took my time down the hall. But as I turned the corner, yelling was heard. I quickened my pace, locating Aiden screaming at a guy who sat barely conscious.

I rushed over to the boy, pulling him away from the man who looked to be triple his age. "You piece of fucking shit." He screamed, tears streaming down his face. "Listen to me." I said to the boy.

"No. I'm not listening to a fucking thing you say." Aiden yelled, thrashing against my hold. "Aiden calm down." He kept thrashing, not listening to a thing I was telling him.

The guy that sat in front of us started laughing, a manic laugh. "Oh." He slapped his knee. "Oh boy," He wiped a fake tear from his eye. "Oh, you are just like her. Acting out just as she did. I hope whoever has that little bitch is having a fun time, giving it to her as rough as they can." He spat.

"You bitch." Aiden said through gritted teeth. "Who are you." I asked the man. "Thats Kinsey's stupid ass step dad." Aiden said, clenching his fists.

I felt my blood run cold, "What's you're name?" I asked him, "His na-" "AIDEN." I looked at the boy, telling him to shut the fuck up. "Why must you know my name? That slut hasn't talked about me?" He laughed again.

"Upstairs, now." I turned to Aiden. "Wh- No I'm sta-" "Upstairs. Now." I told him. Aiden huffed but trotted toward the door anyways.

"What's you're name?" I asked again, dragging a chair over to sit in front of the man. "And as I said be-" I slapped him across the face before he could finish his sentence. He spat some blood to the side and began laughing.

"Oh that little bitch. Can I tell you a story about her?" He asked, closing his eyes. "I mean i'm sure you've already heard it, she fantasizes over me a lot I've heard." He laughed. "Heard by who?" I asked him, he looked at me like I was dumb.

"Oh you know, you're Uncle Mario." He moved his foot. "I don't count him as shit to me." I told the man. "Yea, he was my only source of information before he got stupid and got himself killed. What a man. Anyways." He said, clearing his throat.

It was silent for a couple of minutes. "Get to the damn story we don't have all day." I pushed the man. "Calm yourself boy, haven't you been taught to respect your elders?"

I pulled the gun from my waste band. "Waste of my fucking time." I said before pulling the trigger. "Someone clean this up." A guard made himself known from the corner, contacting someone.

   I marched up the stairs, the sound of crying heard behind me. I stopped in my tracks, turning around slowly. I walked up to a cell, a light dimly lit the small cell.

   The girl looked familiar. "Daisy?" I asked, squinting through the bars. "Matteo. They fucking put me back in here." She sobbed, limping over to the bar.

   "Good." I turned to leave. "Good? What do you mean good?" She asked, looking confused. "What do you mean by good? Because I have been told that you're the fucking rat and that you made just about every bit of your information up."

   She looked so confused but I could see through her little act. "I would never lie about stuff like that." She pouted. "Let me out of here, please." She asked. I shook my head, "Hope you fucking rot in here." I turned again, this time walking down the hall, despite her calls.

   "Shut the fuck up bitch. Get over yourself." Someone else yelled.

Oh how I love my job.

M A R C U S ' S    P O V

    It's been months since i've visited home. Months since Ive been worried about the business, my own family.

   I feel ashamed of myself to go back now. The people i've been working with, associating myself with. My family would hate me, they would tell me I don't deserve them. And maybe they're right.

   "Marcus, dear, when are you telling your family about me, about us?" She asked, laying in the bed with nothing but i thin sheet rapped around her. I cleared my throat, fixing my shirt collar. "They uhh-" I paused, trying to find the right words.

   "I haven't talked to them in a while and I don't plan on talking to any of the anytime soon, so." I left it at that. She scoffed, sitting up. "We've spent all this time together, countries away from your family, and you aren't even going to tell them about me?" She asked, holding her hand over her heart.

   "There's nothing to tell them. Listen, I have things to do." I told her, standing from the bed, putting my shoes on. "Right, keep acting like you still have work to do, keep acting like this is nothing."

   "Because it is nothing! I have nothing to say to my boys. I should be there with them right now, figuring out where the hell my daughter went! Instead, I fled. I fled from my problems because I didn't know how else to deal with them. So pardon me if I don't want to tell them about a whore i've been using to get my mind off of things!" I slammed the door behind me.

   A faint 'Unbelievable' was heard from the other side. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I grabbed the bag from the hallway, it included all of my belongings.

Maybe I should go back home.


Oh father dearest. What a guy.

How we doing? Let me know!

<3 K


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