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Gond Kingdom, Hindustan

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Gond Kingdom, Hindustan.

Year, 1535

Mainavati touched the Pooja (Prayer) plate onto her forehead and said a prayer for her upcoming nuptials while her mother- the Ruler of Gondwana, Rani Durgavati- looked upon her with fondness.

Mainavti's mother had been Chosen by her people over a male cousin after her husband's- the King of Gondwana's death. She was thought to be a better choice and was meant to lead Gondwana into a new future and ever since the day she was chosen, the Majestic Kingdom had prospered and thrived like never before. 

Gondwana was as beautiful as it was dangerous for many reasons- only one of them happened to be that the Gondi Forests were some of the thickest forests in Hindustan filled with end number of dangerous predators. 

The Gold mines of Gondwana were deep and many and the Diamond mines had not even been touched for years, dangerous as they were to wade in. Any miner was promised a sure death were they to ever enter those mines. Hence they remained untouched and served as a good place to throw Gondwani enemies into. Sure they died but at least they died rich. 

When Mainavati used to be a child, her mother Rani Durgavati used to tell her that their enemy's blood somehow made the Gondwani diamonds shine brighter and as a child, she had laughed... now as an adult, she just smirked. 

Gondwani Elephants were massive- bigger and more intelligent than normal Elephants. They were trained and birthed in Gondwana and were the most war-ready elephants in the world. Only Gondwani-allies were allowed to purchase them, for expensive as they were, they were also impossible to defeat on a battlefield. 

The natural deep forests of Gondwana were home to thousands of tigers, panthers and cheetahs. Lions and their pride were a usual sight from the Queen's chambers, they were almost pets. Almost.

They provided a natural defence from Gondwana's enemies while the sea bordering Gondwana gave it an advantage that not many Kingdoms were lucky to have, the advantage of a port... of International trade and allies. If all that was not enough, Gondwana was also a bridge between the North and South Hindustan, no Mughal King, no Sultan had ever captured Gondwana and it was the only reason the South had stayed untouched by Northern Hindustan's Wars- The South was allowed to develop its own authentic culture without the interference from foreign hostilities plaguing the North. 

Gondwana's history and culture were just as wealthy as its land and it was for that reason that history marks Gondwana's sheer size and wealth greater than that of the entirety of a war-ravaged Northern Hindustan. Gondi People were warriors, their Princes were worthy and their Princesses worthier.

'Worthier than Mainavati at least', Mainavati thought as she sighed. 

Mainavati, while being the Gondi Princess was not the heir for the people had not Chosen her, she had been judged too Kind, too soft and gentle to ever be the ruthless ruler the Gondi preferred. She was called too loving, at least by the Gondi Standards and perhaps it was for the best, she was unsure what she would have done had she been declared Heir and still fallen in love with Rajkumar Bharmal so perhaps not being Chosen did have its own perks- Mainavati could now marry a man of her choice even if he belonged to another Kingdom.

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