Chapter 9. Our Inevitable Destiny.

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A/N- A very very very Happy MahaShivratri to all my readers. Thank you for coming to read the longest chapter I have ever written- my hand and mind cramped writing it so if your spot a few (many) typos please ignore them.

Hope you like the chapter! Till next time!
Much Love.


The day started off bad, so she knew that it would only get worse--
Durgavati had received a letter from Amber and it was clear that the letter was written in the hand of a worried father.

Bharmal spoke of Jodha leading a rescue straight into Jalal-ud-din's camp-- gallivanting straight into THE Lion's maw, are we granddaughter-mine?--and getting hurt in the process.
Reading those words Durgavati could only scoff--Jodha and hurt? Jodha and defeat? Those words together were impossible...
Jodha was the Queen of Gondwana and as such, she understood that her life was of the highest priority because she was responsible for her Kingdom and its people-- which is why she had made herself too paranoid and too skilled to allow an enemy sword anywhere near her.

Jodha did not have even a scar- that's how good she was. 

She further read the letter and tried not to glare when Jalal-ud-din's name was mentioned and Durgavati closed her eyes in understanding- pinching the bridge of her nose- of course, it would be HIM who'd manage to finally injure Jodha.
(For some reason he had always been the exception.)

She sighed, depositing the letter onto the table. This game between her Granddaughter and the Mughal Shahenshah needed to end soon for all of their sanity's sake- for years this game had been going on and it was HIGH time to end it.

Durgavati wondered if perhaps some sort of divine work was at play because once was a coincidence but for these two young rulers to meet again and again over a period of a decade signified greater powers at work.
Off the top of her head, she could pinpoint several such instances...
Jalal-ud-din gets hurt- he is escorted to Gondwana and Jodha heals him.
Jodha's life is in danger- attacked by tribals while celebrating Yam Dwitiya and she is saved by Jalal-ud-din.
She holds her dagger to Jalal-ud-din's neck, makes him bleed and he wages a war and then he lets her go even after she rescues Pratap--
life debts, upon life debts-- it was as if the golden thread of Fate and Destiny were tying these two young Rulers together regardless of their wishes. 

Jodha and Jalal had been circling around each other for nearly a decade now and it seemed to Durgavati that it was all coming to head with this War.

"Satya." Durgavati called and the female Guard entered, "Get prisoners Shaybani Khan and Adham Khan ready for Transfer and prepare my Caravan for travel."

"Where to, My Lady?"



Bharmal paced outside Jodha's chambers, pausing only to see if the healer had exited before resuming his pacing again--Just then the Healer exited the room and it was as if the entire family- Him, Mainavati, Sukanya, Shivani, Rajmaata and both his other wives converged onto the Healer,

"How is Jodha now, Vaid Ji?" Bharmal asked and the Vaid smiled gently,

"Choti Rani Sa is strong, she will heal but it will take time. Yes, she has lost a lot of blood but what truly worries me is that she is not gaining consciousness." 

"Is she hurt too much?" Mainavati's voice echoed and the Vaid frowned,

"No...which is exactly what worries me. It is obvious that she has lost a lot of blood and there are a few minor wounds and deep bruises but regardless of that, she should already be awake. I do not know what's causing her to remain unconscious."

"Could it be stress and exhaustion, Healer? She has been fighting non-stop. First, the Mughal Navy, then the Mughal Army, then a very stressful trip to Amber and then there was the Maharana's subsequent rescue mission last night. I don't think she has slept for more than three hours in the past five days."
Bheem's voice echoed in the room and Vaid's face relaxed with understanding,

"Ah, that would explain it. I would advise everyone in the Kingdom-," The Vaid said while looking at the Royal Family, at Bheem and every one of the ministers and servants gathered,
"To allow Rani Sa as much rest as she needs. To not stress her out with any more news from the outside world because it is apparent that more than her body, it is her mind that needs rest."

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