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6|The Revision

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Chapter Six: The Revision


Sienna sent over the first draft of the contract in the morning for my lawyer, Penelope, and me to look over. I couldn't look at it right away since I had that meeting with Thomas to fix the servers, and then I got lit up by Brock, my financial advisor, about spending as much as we did on Sienna's services. In hindsight, I should have run it by him first, but I needed to make sure Sienna said yes. She was the best shot at saving this company, so I made her an offer she couldn't refuse, even with my incorrigible flirtation during our first encounter.

After the annoying rant from Brock for at least an hour, I emailed Margo to schedule a time for Dylan, our operations manager, and me to talk next week regarding the upcoming renovations I plan to have on our hotels stationed in major cities.

I'm drained by this afternoon, so I text my mother to reschedule the blind date she had planned for me to have just as Margo pops her head into my office and says, "I looked over those logos and plans that Sienna came up with. She's brilliant."

"She is," I agree.

"Smart of her to add that clause in the contract, given your emails are now informal to each other."

I raise my eyes to hers. "What clause? And stay the hell out of my emails."

God, I can't wait for Thomas to fix that.

She smirks one of her devilish grins. "Section four, clause two. Have a nice meeting with her, boss."

A stream of explicit words spews from my mouth as she leaves the room and I open up the contract again in my email, going to the section specified.

II. Romantic Relationships.

All sexual and romantic relationships between a client and/or employee and their subordinate are strictly prohibited and will result in reassignment or termination so that the client and/or employee are no longer represented or employed by the subordinate. The subordinate has the right to terminate employment and/or contractual agreements if such events transpire.

I'm not entirely shocked at the clause. I know Sienna isn't the type of woman to sleep with just anyone, especially a client. Am I disappointed? Of course. Despite fighting the need to bend her over every time I see her, I think there was a small part of me that was hoping it could happen and would happen at some point.

I could tell that she wanted it too, so why deny herself the opportunity? Maybe she thinks I wouldn't want to sleep with someone I'm in business with, but hell. I offered to take her home when I first met her for crying out loud.

Sienna is trying to make this difficult. For whatever reason, she's fighting this attraction that she knows we both have. It's hard not to feel the pull between us. Whenever I'm in a two-foot radius of her I'm weak at the damn knees, and I know she can feel that. There's no way she can't. If she wants to play dirty, I can play dirtier, and a damn contract isn't going to stop me. That's what lawyers and revisions are for.

Yes, I need her to re-brand this business more than I think I've needed anything, but if I'm going to be around her with this fucking tension until the re-branding is over, I'm going to at least need to make sure there could be a possibility of winning her over.

"Margo, get Penelope on the phone please!" I call from my office.

I hear her laughing as she dials me in.


When I arrive at Sienna's office building, I wait at the receptionist's desk for her to come down, the contract and revisions in a manilla envelope tucked underneath my arm. She arrives not two minutes later, looking delectable as ever in another tight black skirt, this one coming about two inches above the knees, and another satin tank top that shows off those immaculate breasts of hers is tucked into it. She's got gold bracelets clattering on her wrists, her brown, caramel-streaked hair pulled up into a ponytail, and two pieces hanging down to frame her face. I drink every ounce of her in. Every single bit.

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