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Chapter Forty-Four: Quick


Sienna chose a bar that unfortunately was located on the Upper East Side. I understood why she chose it given that it's close to her condo and all, escape routes galore, but still, I feel uneasy as we step inside the dimly lit space.

Cigar smoke and jazz music flood the room as we're walked over to our private booth. I'm scanning everywhere to make sure no one's stare is lingering too long, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Just old white men in suits discussing the stock market and women my mother would have chosen as future prospects planning the next charity event. Bars on the Upper East Side are so lame compared to those by NYU where all the local college kids go.

"I'm going to get us a drink," I whisper into Sienna's ear. "Come with me."

She nods and grabs my hand so tightly that I'm losing circulation. I know leaving the condo was a huge step for her, and I'm so proud of the bravery she's gathered up tonight. I plan on making her night out extremely worthwhile. Especially now that I have the green light.

At the bar, I order a long island iced tea for myself and a cosmo for Sienna, which I know is her favorite. She squeezes my hand as we wait, and I take the opportunity to kiss the top of her head and run my free hand to the small of her back, unable to wipe the grin off my face when she shivers just from my touch.

"Lincoln?" A tap on my shoulder interrupts the moment between Sienna and me. There's a blonde peering up at me with sky blue eyes, and she looks familiar, but for whatever reason, I can't place her.

Fucking hell. Was she one of my one-night stands?

This is exactly why I don't go to bars on the Upper East Side.

"Kendall," she says to remind me. "Remember? Our date at Le District?"

Ah, the woman my mother attempted to set me up with before she knew about Sienna. The woman I walked out on before our lunch even began.

I send her a tight-lipped smile. "Right. Nice to see you."

"And you are?" Kendall does a once-over of Sienna in disapproval. Compared to Sienna's risque but sexy outfit choice, Kendall is wearing a baby blue polka dot dress that flares at the waist with a set of pearls draped around her neck. These two women couldn't be more polar opposites, and Kendall has no idea what she just got herself into.

"Sienna Stone," Sienna replies, and at the mention of her name, Kendall's eyes grow wide. Despite the jealousy hidden behind Sienna's eyes, she seems cool, calm and collected on the outside. It doesn't seem like it's bothering her one bit that she approached me, and that only seems to make Kendall angrier.

"I was speaking with your mother at the club about a few of my father's friends who have expressed interest in investing in Nash Enterprises," she says, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. Sienna shifts uncomfortably. "She was going to get in touch with you about setting up a meeting next week with all of us."

"Was she? I haven't heard from her." The bartender passes us our drinks, so I'm double-fisted when I turn my attention back to Kendall again. "If you'll excuse us, my girlfriend and I are meeting our friends. It was a pleasure as always."

I step to the side to allow Sienna to walk in front of me, partly so I can make sure to keep my eyes on her at all times, and also so that I can watch that perfect ass of hers in that tight little mini skirt.

"I didn't peg her to be your type," Sienna scoffs over her shoulder. Now that we're away from Kendall, she's letting her guard down and expressing just how annoyed she is. She stops a few feet away from our booth, her arms crossed over her chest, which only makes my eyes drop down to her tits that are now pushed up for me. A jealous Sienna is...sexy. Very sexy.

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