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67|Boss Lady

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With a deep sigh of frustration, Sienna steps back for him to push a crate to the side. There's a handle near the floorboard, and I almost drop to my damn knees as Jett pulls out a pistol from the waistband of his suit, cocking it back. "Take another few steps away for me," he instructs. "This could get messy, and I'd hate for your..." He scans the material of the tracksuit Sienna's wearing, arching a brow. "Chanel to get ruined."

"How does he—"

Before I can ask the same question, Jett rips open the trap door, aiming with lethal precision at whoever is on the other side. The gun sounds off, and everything happens so quickly that I'm unsure if the shots are from my brother's gun or whoever is beneath him.

I tackle Sienna to the ground, covering my body with hers, shielding her from whatever bullets are ricocheting off the walls. Gun powder and lead fill my nostrils, and the dust covering the crates rattle, lingering in the air like a fine mist.

"Dante," my brother muses, the shots instantly ceasing. "Why am I not surprised?"

A muffled sob echoes from the chamber below, and Sienna practically pushes me off her, scrambling to her knees. "Carmen," she gasps.

The sound seems to have rattled Jett, too. His carefree personality is gone, his spine rigid and knuckles curled white around the pistol, hovering above the trigger. "All of your men are dead," he says in a voice I've never heard before. It reminds me of a snake, venomous and ready to strike. "Hand her over, and if she says no one laid a finger on her the entirety of her time with you, then I might just grant you mercy by killing you swiftly."

"Y-You took everything from me," the man snarls. I still can't see him from where Sienna and I kneel in the corner.

"You took everything from yourself," Jett replies. "Trafficking is the one crime I won't let occur in my city, Dante. You knew this when you and your crew came in. You knew the consequences and still chose to partake in it. Freeing those women wasn't taking shit from you. It gave them their life back."

The strangest emotion is clogging my throat, one I've never felt towards my brother before until now. If what he's saying is true... If he stopped this man from trafficking women and helped free those girls?

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," he says tightly. "I either come down there and grab her myself, where you will face a slow and painful death, or you hand her over to me now, and I'll kill you swiftly. Up to you."

Another strangled, muffled cry from the room below, and the restraint my brother has seems to snap. "Delano," he calls roughly, and out of the shadows, a man emerges, his face stoic and filled with boredom. I didn't even see anyone around us. Where the hell did he come from?

The six-foot man shaped like a fucking building storms past Jett. With one hand, the man named Delano drags whoever was speaking to my brother out and flings him onto the floorboards across from us. He did it with one hand.

"P-Please," the man splutters. "I'll get her! I'll get her!"

"Too late," Jett replies with a cruel smile. With a jerk of his head, Delano tugs the man up from the floor, pinning his hands behind his back. Blood is seeping into the man's jeans from the bullet wounds my brother placed in both his knees. "Put him in the trunk with the...other ones."

Other ones?


Oh, fuck. I'm going to be sick. I'm seeing my brother in a new light. Sienna had mentioned that he might be one of the dangerous people Carmen works for, but with Delano following his instructions and the man beneath the trap door pleading for his life, I think...

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by DeAnna Faison
Lincoln Nash has it all - except someone to share it with. Content wi...
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