36. Missed the Boat

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I found myself nervous when I received my report card at school. I decided to wait to open it with either Dad, Grandma, or Grandpa when I got home and then let the other girls know what grades I got.

Arriving home, Grandma was in the backyard tending the garden.

"Hi sweetheart," she smiled turning to me when I made an appearance, "Heard you were getting your grade results."

"Yeah," I nodded, "I figured I'd open the report card when I saw you or Dad or Grandpa."

"Don't keep us waiting for the suspense," Grandpa called out from inside, "Just open it."

After Grandma and I got back inside the house, I carefully opened the envelope just as my stomach went into knots. The week prior, there had been a biology test. I had spent an entire weekend studying for it and had either Dad or one of my grandparents quiz me. Whenever I had a test, I'd ask either of them to help me practice so that I wouldn't forget the answers.

On opening the report card, my eyes widened at the sight of all straight A's, including some pluses and minuses on it.

"Whatcha get?" Grandpa wondered.

Grandma looked over my shoulder and smiled, "All A's."

"Though there are some pluses and minuses," I pointed out.

"Nothing wrong with that."

"What's all the excitement?" Dad asked as he arrived in the main room, "Did Zo get her grade results?"

"Yep," I nodded and handed him the report card.

Dad smiled on reading the results, "Looks like someone has earned herself a shopping trip to the mall this weekend."

"You're kidding!" My mouth dropped wide open.

"It's no joke. You've earned it. You work so hard on your schoolwork and helping out Grams with everything."


"How 'bout we eat out tonight?" Grandpa suggested, "Which restaurant do you recommend, Zo?"

"I've got no preference," I shook my head.


I met up with Rikki and Emma on the way to the cafe.

"This is a whole new feeling for me," Rikki smiled as she, Emma, and I entered inside, "I could get used to it."

"Get used to what?" Emma asked as the three of us found Cleo seated by herself at one of the tables.

I could tell something was on Cleo's mind when she didn't greet us.

"Academic success," Rikki replied, "C+ for biology. Not too shabby."

"That's great," Emma smiled.

"Yeah, way to go Rikki," I grinned.

"How about you guys?" Rikki wondered.

"A+," Emma answered.

"A plain A ," I responded being careful not to brag about my results.

"Great job, Zoey."

"That's not possible," Rikki remarked.

"You could do it too if you studied," Emma told her.

"Yeah, if I didn't have a life or I was some kind of geek study slave. No offense."

"None taken," I shrugged.

"Is this all you three talk about?" Cleo snapped at us, "You're so competitive. Who cares anyway?" She left at that moment.

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