67. Power Play

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Bella swung by the marine park while Cleo and I had our shifts to see the new dolphin the park rescued. It had been severely injured after accidentally getting caught in some fishing net. The dolphin refused to let anyone near her since she was scared. I assumed it was because she had been raised in the wild and was wary of humans. It was a relief for everyone that the dolphin's injuries were healed after a while.

It impressed me that the program within the park, Dolphin Rescue does everything it can despite not having enough funds to keep it going. Grandma often donated to it whenever she could. It motivated me to do so when possible. 


Later after my shift, I was at my grandparents' house helping Grandma get Grandpa set up for knee surgery on his other kneecap. Ebony had dropped by to assist us, which made me glad it wasn't just Grandma and me doing everything.

The doorbell rang while I was in the kitchen.

"Can someone get the door?" Grandma asked from the other room.

"I got it," I replied and headed for the front door.

On opening it, Bella and Will were present.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I wondered as I gestured for them to enter the house.

"Bella came up with a great idea to fund Dolphin Rescue," Will answered.

"By putting on a concert at the cafe," Bella jumped in, "People would pay a lot of money on knowing what work the program does."

"That's true," I nodded, "The cafe though, would Rikki and Zane agree to host the concert?"

"They would."

"Rikki for sure would support it, and we all know how much Zane loves being in the spotlight," Will added.

"Yeah." I knew Rikki would be in for supporting Dolphin Rescue. Zane would be thrilled to get the cafe a ton of publicity. 

"Is that Emma and Lewis?" Grandpa hollered from the living room.

"Sorry about my gramps," I apologized to Bella and Will, "He's on heavy medication for his upcoming knee operation. It makes him wonky at times."

"Ouch," Will had a sympathetic expression.

"I hope he pulls through it," Bella nodded in understanding.

For a while, Grandpa had been mistaking Bella for Emma, and started thinking Will was Lewis. I had to guess he missed them.

"So, what's new with all of you?" Grandma smiled as she arrived in the main room.

We filled her in on Bella's fund-raising concert idea and that the money would go to Dolphin Rescue.

"That is a noble cause," Grandma nodded, "How much do you need?"

"Whatever helps," Bella answered.

"I'll get the checkbook."

Grandma went to the other room and returned with her checkbook and a pen. She started writing it down.

"I hope it doesn't affect the payments for Grandpa's operation," I pointed out not wanting my grandparents to end up broke.

"No worries, Zo. It's all for the dolphins and the people who work so hard to help aid them," Grandma assured me.

She handed me the check. I saw she had written a thousand dollars, "Thanks Grandma."

Bella looked over my shoulder reading the check and glanced at her, "It really means a lot. Thank you, Mrs. Shaw."

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