-Chapter XI-

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The question of who Bertha is was answered when Jorge found a set of keys after Marcus put up a fight to keep them hidden and led everyone out to a lot with a few cars scattered around, a blue SUV adorned with some type of horns on the front bumper.

Somehow all ten of them were able to squeeze into the vehicle, luckily everyone knowing each other pretty well and no one feeling terribly uncomfortable. Except for Thomas who was worried about Evelyn who hadn't talked to him very much since Marcus's place.

Sure she'd grin at him or give a short answer to whatever he might of said to her but it wasn't normal. He couldn't help but think she saw him kiss Brenda though he barely remembered it himself. He really needed to talk to her just not now when there's no room for privacy.

Evelyn had settled down and found reason for what the two did, knowing that they didn't have control really of what they were doing. Though this nagging voice kept telling her she was being stupid for letting it slide and should just ignore him.

During the ride, everyone had started small talk and Miles was sitting next to Evelyn in hopes to get a little information and see if she had her memories of them back. She was his best friend.

Miles and Evelyn had a casual chat about how they knew each other, her visions from when she was in the glade becoming clear. He was the little boy sat across from her on the train to WCKD all those years ago but they didn't want him so they threw him out like trash. She was incredibly grateful that Jorge had found him and made it possible for her to have a glimpse of her past life back.

He also noticed her shoulder that had started bleeding again so he insisted on wrapping it up, Evelyn claiming that she fine and it wasn't that bad. In all actuality, the pain was increasing by the minute for the girl but she didn't want to be a set back so she just shrugged it off and hoped maybe it would feel better in a few hours or so.

Jorge stopped the car about a yard away from a tunnel but they couldn't continue on from the multitude of cars that were blocking the entrance.

They all stepped out, slowly approaching the cars. "Well, I guess we're on foot."

They all dispersed around the cars looking inside and around them as to maybe find a few supplies or any sign of people living here but they found none.

Evelyn approached a truck that had a small beat-up portable music player with earbuds laying in the center console, the girl picking it up and stashing it in her backpack to see if it was salvageable for later use.

She zipped up her backpack just before a gunshot sounded landing dangerously close to Thomas. Minho, Newt, and Miles were closest to her so she ducked behind a car with the three as shots continued to be fired.

"Take cover!" Newt yelled as Evelyn grabbed Minhos jacket and pulled him closer to be concealed by the car as he was sticking out too much.

The gunshots stopped yet no one dared to move from their spots. "Hey, is everyone okay?" Thomas called.

"We're fine!" Teresa called from another spot as Evelyn grabbed her shoulder having a stinging pain from the quick movement and Minho 'punching' her shoulder as to get her to let go of him after she'd pulled on his jacket. It was only a light shove but she wouldn't dare show him how bad it hurt.

"Does anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt questioned through a raised voice as he searched the area.

A few silent moments passed, Evelyn noticing Thomas peak his head up only to be shot at again.

"Oh my god." She muttered under her breath. Some of the decisions he made were quite concerning.

"Oh shit! Did you get shot?" Minho questioned as he looked to his right to find Evelyns eyes shut tightly, her hand covering her shoulder as blood seeped through her fingers.

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