One Night

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Ashlynne looked over to me. "You're the coven leader" she mentally told me. When had that been decided? Giving her a dirty look, I began talking.

"My name is Alexandria. I'm twelve years old. My sister Ashlynne is 8... almost 9 now, and Chris is five." I stopped talking. That was all they were getting out of me. As far as I was concerned, they were still the enemy. I trusted no one but Ashlynne and... well, at this point I didn't know about Chris. If it came down to it, I trusted him to choose me and Ash over Carlisle... hopefully.

Carlisle nodded, accepting that answer. "How were you changed?" He asked. "Same way as you" I responded rudely. Why did he think he had a right to know this? We had just met him, and he had tried to kill us! I wasn't about to get over that. But, apparently, the ever perfect Ashlynne was already over it. She spoke up, "A vampire came in to our house and kil- killed our mom. then he bit Chris. When Lex tried to help him, he bit her. He got to me at the front door... I was waiting for Lex and Chris."

my head snapped up at her final sentence, That was something she had not told me before. "I told you to run" I mentally growled. Ashlynne just rolled her eyes. Rosalie was clearly upset by thins information. "Dear God, your... your so young!" She got up and quickly walked up the stairs. Emmett immediately behind her, following her upstairs. I heard a door slam.

"Young...but not innocent" Ash thought to me. I nodded. Because... we aren't. It's hard to believe that just four months a ago, less than half a year, I was playing dollhouse with Ash, debating who got the extra cookie with Chris. Listening to music on my phone, shopping with mom. All of the daily things that I didn't even think about seemed so special now.

"Ignorance is bliss" I muttered aloud, keeping eye contact with my sister. I finally understood that quote.... wish i didn't. Carlisle cleared his throat, bringing me back to the present. "Will you be staying here?" He asked us. I quickly answered, "No" at the same time that Ash and Chris said "Yes". "No" I said again as Carlisle looked between us.

Chris glared at me while Ash looked disappointed. "We don't want to intrude."Alice suddenly appeared on top of the stairs. "Oh, hush! You won't ne intruding" I stared at her before turning to Ash, and mentally saying "Once again: Calm yourself pixie "I looked around at all of the expectant faces around me, then at my siblings and nessie. They looked so hopeful. With a sigh I forced the words out.

"One night."

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