The Dreaded Closet

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***picture of Ashlynne***

I smiled politely as I was interrogated. The things they ask me were very simple... At first. Harmless things, that I had no problems answering. The questions came in rapid fire, and soon enough I was just blurting out the answer, not paying attention to whether it was Esme or Rosalie asking the question.

What's your favorite color? Purple.

When's your birthday?
May 26th.

What's your favorite sport? Soccer.

But then the questions get harder, they turn into questions that I couldn't answer with one word... And questions that really seemed a little too personal. I was always a shy person, but especially now, especially with these people... I didn't want them to know about my previous life. It felt like a secret that I had to keep. I really didn't want them to pity me for everything I had lost. Still, I answered their questions, trying not to think and grieve about everything I was describing about my old home.

What was your house like?

What kind of decorations did you have up in your room?

What's your relationship like with your siblings?

I honestly couldn't tell you what I said to the first two questions because the last one brought me up short. How would I describe my relationship with my siblings? We had been pretty close before... Especially Chris and I. Chris would crawl into my bed every time he had a nightmare. He knew that if he got in trouble in lost dessert, I would sneak him a cookie, even if it meant I had to take it off my plate it and I didn't get one myself. And ash... Though we didn't spend too much time together, we have been very loyal and trusted each other. When a boy kissed her on the playground at school, I was the one she had come crying to, upset that "the snot-nosed little boy had stolen her first kiss."

I looked up at Rosalie and Esme. They were both waiting expectantly, not realizing the flashbacks that the questions had sent me into. "We were... Loyal. We would be mean to each other, but if someone else was mean to one of us, they would always have the other two to deal with." There were quiet for a second before Rosalie asked, "Even Chris?" I nodded. "Yeah." I answered, and couldn't help but smile at the memory coming back to me. "About 8 months ago, a boy on our street was being mean to me. Ash and mom weren't home, so a second later, the garage door opened and Chris came flying out, trying to run the kid over with his tricycle."

Both Rosalie and Esme laughed at that. "You three haven't spent much time together since you got here." My amusement died as quickly as it had come. I blamed them for that. We came here, and everything fell apart. We were all separated. Chris was always with Rosalie,Esmre, Jasper, Emmett and Carlisle. Ash was always with Alice, Renesmee, Bella, and as a result of Bella being with her, Edward often was too. And I was always avoiding people, locked away in that boring guest room.

I looked up at Rosalie and tried hard not to glare at her. "Yeah. I guess we've spent a little too much time together over the past few months." No we hadn't. Aside from a few arguments, we had been fine together. We had been brought closer, realizing that all we have left is each other. And somehow, in the last few days, that had all been torn apart.

"Well, I'm sure once you all have been settled and you'll find a rhythm." Esme said, attempting to console me. Maybe I hadn't done such a good job of keeping my emotions off of my face. I nodded, figuring I should be polite enough to pretend to appreciate her effort. I opened my though I didn't know what I was planning on saying. It didn't matter though, because a second later Emmett came bounding down the stairs. "Chris's room is done!"

Chris's room? Who had gone out and gotten the supplies for that? Today shopping had been a complete girl day, not buying a single boy's thing. Rosalie and Esme began walking towards the stairs, Rosalie passing Chris off to Carlisle as she passed. When I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, Emmett came and scooped me up. He held one arm under me, and I had to wrap an arm around his shoulder to keep from tipping over. I stared at him in shock, surprised by his boldness.

I looked around, expecting someone to say something, to demand that he put me down. No one did though. Geez people, come on! I know I'm short for my age, but I am 12, and a vampire! I think I can manage going up the stairs by myself. I opened my mouth to object, but as I looked down to Emmett's arms holding me up, I noticed his muscles. Thinking back to our arrival, I remember that Emmett had been the vampire in the front, the most eager to fight us. The most eager to kill us.

I kept my mouth shut. No matter how playful this man seemed, he was dangerous.

We've passed both my door and Ashlynn's. Both were closed, so I didn't get to see what they were doing in my room. Oh, well. Chris's door was open, with a few cans of paint outside of it. Once we got to the door, Emmett set me down, and stood in front of the doorway. His large body blocked my entire view of the room. He stood tall and announced "And may I now present to you fine, fine ladies..." He caught Rosalie's eye and winked. Ew.

"Galaxy Christopher!" Emmett stepped to the side and my mouth dropped. "Wow..." I muttered, stepping inside. "Careful, darling, the paint is still wet." Esme warned. I did not acknowledge her comment, instead choosing to continue staring around my brother's new room in awe. I now know that Alice had nothing to do with this room. It must have been all Edward, Jasper, and most of all, Emmett. They wouldn't have been able to pull off something so creative without Emmett's help.

The entire room was painted a dark blue, with white stars painted over it. I could see a faint shimmer in the stars, and knew that they would glow in the dark. There were shooting stars painted on, with so much detail, I had no doubt that either Edward or Carlisle had painted them. The curtains had aliens on them, and the light hanging from the ceiling was shaped like a moon. There was a Star Wars poster, Chris's favorite movie ever, hanging above the bed.

The bed.

The bed was amazing. It looked like a rocket ship, about to take off. Chris's bear, Bubba, and his book of fairy tales, both of which he had been carrying with him since we left our house, were set on his bedside table, along with an alarm clock shaped like a space helmet and a lamp with a bright yellow star painted on it. I grinned at Emmett and said, "he's going to love this! Emmett returned my grin with a much larger one and said excitedly "you haven't seen the best part!" He grabbed my upper arm and dragged me to the closet.

The dreaded closet. Mine was now filled with clothes, which was saying a lot. The closets here were in, and almost as large as the rooms themselves, and the rooms were huge. I was confused as to why Emmett wanted to show me the closet. Was he has in the clothes as Alice and Renesmee? I hope not. If he was, that would change his entire image. He pulled the closet open and I saw what you would expect to see in Cullen's household closet.

A whole lot of clothes. From shorts, to overalls, to long sleeved shirts, and suits and ties, the closet was filled with an outfit for every possible occasion. They even had pajamas in there, for whatever reason. I looked up at Emmett, not knowing what was so special about this. Emmett smirked at me, as if saying, 'I know something you don't know!' I shrugged and gestured towards the closet, asking him silently to explain.

"Now." Emmett began. "Alice filled Chris's closet almost as full as yours. An eternity of clothing, most of which he will never wear." I nodded, and complete understanding. Most of the clothes bought for me today I knew I would never wear either. "But!" Continue Emmett,

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