Chapter Fifteen: Dreams

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"Didn't I tell you to clean the house!?!?" Daddy's voice roars in my ears, jolting me awake. 

"I-i'm sorry D-daddy!" I cried out, scrambling up to my feet and quickly grab a bag to pick up the trash that had grown over night. 

"You should be able to do this much since I take great pains to raise you!" Daddy throws his beer to the wall, the pieces of glass falling on my head. "And this is how you repay me? Laziness!?!?!?"

"I-i'll d-o b-better D-addy." I could feel tears falling down my face and tried to hide it.

"Since your so useless-" Daddy grabs my arm, yanking me off my feet and heading towards the door. "I don't need you."

"P-please!" I grab onto his hand as he opened the door. "I-i'll be good! D-daddy!!"

He slams open the door and throws me out.

"Ah!" I cried out as my back hits metal poles of the cage that appeared, the very same cage from before. "D-daddy!!W-wait!" 

"This cancels my debt right?" Daddy turns to speak to the man in the chair that replaced the front door. "Bringing you the kid?"

"D-daddy! P-please don't l-leave me h-here!!" I cried out as the cage door shuts. "D-don't g-go!" 

"Shut that kid up." The man says as my surroundings start to spin out of control while faces of people looked down at me with laughter filling my ears. 

"H-help!" I reached out between the bars towards Daddy who turned away. 

The spinning went faster before suddenly stopping, the door facing a woman in a white dress and white hair staring right at me. Her eyes glowed as they looked over me making my skin crawl from her gaze. 

The woman opens her mouth as the bottom of the cage fell, taking me with it. 

"Ow!" I slammed into the ground hard while dust covered my sight. I waited for the dust to settle before realizing that my leg was tied to a pole. 

I grab onto the rope and try to untie it as growls and barks circled around me. 

"N-no! P-please!" I could barely see through the tears as my fingers struggled with the hard knot as echoing laughter rang in my ears. "D-Daddy! F-five! S-someone!"

The growls and laugher grew louder as dog-shaped shadows came closer.


I could feel hot breath on my neck.

"PAPA!!!!!!" I screamed as the shadows lunged at me. My hand glows as gold magic swirled around and threw the shadows away as light appears from cracks above me. 

The magic lightly touches the rope causing it to burst into dust before lifting me up towards the cracks as familiar strong hands reach out to me. 


"Soraya!" Papa's concern came off him in waves as I woke up in his arms. "What is wrong? Are you hurt?"

"P-papa..." I started to cry as I felt his warmth and buried my head into his chest. 

"You are safe." He started patting my back. "You have nothing to fear as long as I am here." 

I clenched his shirt in my hands as Papa continued to comfort me until my body stopped shaking and my tears slowed down.

"You must of had a terrible nightmare." His chest rumbled against my ear as I peeked up at him.

Papa's hand brushes my hair out of my face. "There isn't much I can do against a nightmare."

"N-no!" I shook my head quickly. "Y-you did d-o something P-papa. Y-ou made it g-go away."

"I see."

"Master, how is-Dear!" Mimi enters, holding a tray with water and towels. "Your awake!"

She gently places the tray down on the table before raising a hand to my forehead. 

"And your fever broke!" 

"Call Dr. Strom." Papa says as he retucks me into bed besides him before moving to leave.

"W-wait!" I grab his hand causing Papa to look back at me in surprise. "Y-your leaving?"

"Do not worry." He stroked my head with a small smile. "I will be right back."


"I promise."

"O-okay." I reluctantly released him as Mimi started to fuss around me.

"Let's have you change into a clean nightgown Dear." Mimi waves her hand as magic sparkled around me.

I watched Papa leave as Mimi made soup appear and start feeding me. 

"Hello my granddaughter." Grandpa opens the door a few minutes after I stopped eating as a strange half-man half-skeleton standing behind him. "I am glad to see you awake." 

"Grandpa!" I was happy to see him but I couldn't look away from the person behind him. 

"This is Dr. Strom who has been taken care of you." Grandpa uses magic to make a chair appear next to the bed before sitting in it. "He is someone you can trust."

Hey!!!!!!!!! It's me- your favorite author! Yes, yes I know: the chapter is a little shorter than I usually write but it will be made up for you all in chapter 16 and the Halloween special!!!! 🎃🎃

*cheers and fanfare in background (fireworks too)*🥳🥰

And since chapter 15 is now posted- I can finally tell all of you when I plan on posting the Q&A and chapter 16! Since I will be doing the Halloween special (Thanks to igxnflSaara-Shah2, and tumhari_jaan who were super excited *Love you all*) which will obv be posted on Halloween; I will be posting NLT Nov 13th.

So make sure to post any questions from now til Nov 13th!! Again- you can post your questions/statements on any of the previous chapters or on my conversations board.

I hope to see all of you very soon!🥰🥺

Love all of you and Thanks for reading!!!😘😘🥰🥰

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