Chapter Twenty-Nine: Golden Tears

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I stared down at the blood that was slowly drying on my daughter's face; reassuring myself by squeezing her hand and feeling the warmth from it every so often that she was still breathing.

"Your Majesty." Dr. Strom wipes off the blood from his arms after checking the beastkin twins who were both passed out as well. "The princess has stabilized. We can start recovery once she wakes."

I nod my head, not trusting myself to speak quite yet.

"Master." Mimi pats my shoulder and hands me a handkerchief, her hand slightly shaking and showing marks from how hard she held them together. 

I glance at her as an acknowledgment but return to watching Soraya, using only one hand to wipe my face. I threw it away, barely noticing the golden streaks against the dark-colored cloth as it landed on the floor. 

"You should be more careful your Majesty." Magic flows as Abaddon appears and carefully picks up the handkerchief, using a small flame to incinerate it. "It is dangerous to leave such things around."

He looks around the room, his eyes resting on each person before landing on Soraya.

"My king." He stands beside me and rests a hand on my shoulder, a gesture he hasn't done since I was a child. "Please allow Mimi to clean up the child while you get some rest."

I clenched that tiny hand.

"You would not want the Princess to wake up covered in blood; no?"

"You are correct." I finally sighed and slowly released my hold, carefully resting it on the sheets and stepping back. 

"We should also get you cleaned up." Abaddon's gaze was sad and full of concern as he motioned to my blouse.

I had not noticed that Soraya's blood had gotten all over me as I held her earlier.

Abaddon coughs as I start to wave my hand to use magic.

"It is good to take a walk now and then as well, you Majesty."

"I see." He follows me as I leave the room, pausing for one moment to look at Soraya before allowing Dr. Strom to pass with the beastkin twins in tow behind him.

"Report," I say once the door is shut.

"We were able to confirm the existence of the Hero." Abaddon gets straight to the point. "It seems he was found in the same place that the princess was in, but had been taken away by the church a few months before our attack." 

"The Hero." I could barely hold in the scoff that wanted to come out. "Wait he was also at the mines?"

"Yes. From what the records tell us he arrived just a bit before the princess did. Sold by his parents."

"She would pick someone with that kind of background." I throw my shirt off to the side once inside my room. "It's easier to control and throw them away."

"Soraya might know him..." I pause. "Make sure she does not hear of this yet."

"Of course your Majesty." Abaddon bows as he snaps his fingers then pauses. "I do not want to think this but..."


"I am getting the feeling that She might have something to do with the Princess."

"Choose your next words wisely." I sit down on a chair.

"I'm not saying that the Princess is working with Her." Abaddon quickly reassures me. "But I would not be surprised that She has a hand in certain things. Especially since we can not determine her origin. Princess Soraya is the only one who does not have a detailed report in the ledger we found. It didn't even have her description."

"We had an easier time collecting information on the Hero and they were guarding that with their lives."

He finishes with a sigh as his wings flutter.

"I am just advising that we need to be careful. Especially since this whole event of the Magic Flowers- things are starting to move and not in the way that we would want. She will not stop until we are destroyed and erased completely."

I stare him down for a few moments before nodding.

"I understand Abaddon." I get up. "I will keep that in mind. I do not intend to allow Her to do whatever She wants. I will protect our people."

"Yes, your Majesty." Abaddon bows and follows me as my bedroom door slams shut. 

"Let us go check on the Princess."

Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, I'm really busy with work right now and only managed to slip in time to write recently. I'm thinking of doing another Q&A after the next chapter so if you guys have any questions- please put them either on my conversations, direct message me, or post a question on any of the chapters after the last Q&A (so starting at chapter 16)

The next chapter might be a little while again, but definitely will be posted sometime next month!😊

Thanks for Reading and Love all of you!!!🥰😘

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