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Hello Everyone! It is now time for the Q&A!!!

I was happy to get so many questions but I'll have to limit some since they were a bit close plus I can't spoil things for you all right?

Alright then! Let's start!

So If you were to give advice to newer authors, what would it be?

Ah, excellent question! I would have to say- write what you like/enjoy. I personally love reading and have read lots of different books from fantasy to mystery and even horror. There are times when I imagine myself in those stories as well and how I would react to them. Writing allows you to shape worlds and give readers a glimpse into your characters and the situations they are in. And don't worry if your first few books starts a bit rough, this allows you to grow and become a better writer over time. 

Not every writer started as amazing as they are now.

Is there going to be book 2 or a series of this book?

To be honest- I'm thinking that this particular book will be a singular novel just from how I'm planning on the ending.  I hope one day to write a popular book series, but I am happy with what I am doing right now.

Great book, you are a great writer.

AWWWWWW!!!!!🥰 Thank you so much! I'm really glad you think that!! But I know that I always have room for improvement!

The demon king do you need a wife? Well, I can be your wife.

I almost choked from the water I was drinking when this popped on my notifications. I love this. I really do. Though Terzin does stay a bachelor by choice. Plus he now has Soraya.

Hey, a question for the Q&A: does Soraya have a mother and will we be seeing any people from the other world?

Unfortunately, Soraya was abandoned with 'Daddy' when she was a baby, so her mother was never in the picture. Interesting idea about the other people from the other world, but no. There won't be any surprise visits. (Though we all know that Papa Terzin would drop-kick 'Daddy' if he ever did show up again).

How has Five been? What's Five's name? Will there be other effects besides the growth spurt? What are Soraya and Nova's favorite foods?

Whoa, slow down a little! Take a breath! We last left Five as he was taken by the church in chapter five and since it's been about 3 and a half years- he's been doing well. There will be a chapter coming up so we can catch up with him later. I promise.

Five is his name but he will be given a new name since he is now the Hero. That will be revealed later.

Any other effects other than the growth spurt? Maybe, I don't want to spoil it for you all. 

Soraya doesn't really have a favorite food much to Mimi's dismay. She's just happy to be able to eat whenever she wants- though she does seem to favor sweets; something that she never had before going to the Demon Kingdom. Nova likes meat and fish though they can eat anything. Fun fact, a good portion of the meat and fish that Soraya eats is caught by Nova who secretly worries about her.

And now my question for you all!!

What are your favorite things to do during the fall?

I like to get warm or drink warm drinks during the fall. Not much else.

-I also love to be warm and drink some hot chocolate/cider while watching the leaves turn red and yellow. Being in a nice comfy chair is a bonus to that too for me.

Eat Thanksgiving food.

-Me too! Unfortunately, this year- I won't be able to spend it with family since I'm overseas. we always make a lot of food; turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and especially pumpkin pie.🎃

And that's it! I'm planning on having the next chapter sometime next week so be on the look out for it!

Thank you all for joining in on my Q&A and Love all of you!!

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