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The head of Henus announced : There will be a tight security across the city as the grand festival of Henus is arriving and before that festival we have to perform a confidential work this year so everyone are requested to co-operate with us and if anyone tries to misbehave strict actions will be taken which a person wouldn't be happy to go through . So please start the preparation for our grand festival . Thank you and Good night !!..

There were no words for us to speak after this news like why everytime due to the people from government have to ruin our plan ?!?. But we all thought about the situation and started to make a another plan and also thought about its consequences . It was 1:00 am and we all were tired and we went to sleep .

The next morning we were just going through our photos which we caught at our home and city, we started missing our home but we also thought that just few more days and than we would go back home to our parents and our other friends . That afternoon we went thought about going to explore around in woods.

We took all the necessary equipments with us and thought to return before night. Jal was staying at home as he had to go to a conference that afternoon so he preferred staying at  home, so we all went to the woods with a strong and safe jeep.

It was 6 pm and we were still exploring but suddenly sis told me to stop the jeep. She said "look over there , something is shining like a star there , I saw a yellowish shining ball type figure so we all thought to be courageous and we went forward to the cave where the light was coming from , as we moved in the cave, we saw that the cave was large and dark but there was the only shine of the ball type figure but it wasn't the cave which jal was talking about as there must be a very good security over there as that cave is very important .

We all were just exploring the place and were asking each other what it could be suddenly the shining ball type figure started to spark , we took a step backwards it started to shine more and the shine of those sparkle made us faint , when we woke up it was completely dark the ball type figure wasn't there and it was very dark so I turned on the torch just than I felt something magical inside me and sis said "bro why are you glowing like fire," I too didn't knew what was happening to me and I saw sis getting a pair of beautiful wings and kavya getting the eyes of a snake and vanshika getting the eyes of a panther .

And in a moment I suddenly turned into a phoniex , sis into a raven , kavya into a gigantic snake and vanshika into a panther . And the other moment we turned back to our normal body . We all said together in excitement "This is just like a fantasy" and than we saw some marks on our hand which represented our powers and I knew that now the true fun begins.......

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